05. Shopping At The Mall (requested)

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This was requested by WinterBlue_Angel22 . Thank you so much!

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

Spoilers: minor; "Thanks To Them"


Y/n's POV:

"Y/n what is this place?" Hunter asked, his brown eyes darting around the area. "I've never seen anywhere so big and crowded."

I smiled eagerly. "This is the Gravesfield Mall. Pretty exciting, huh?"

Hunter scratched his cheek nervously. "This is all so... new."

I understood what he meant. He must've been having a hard time adjusting to the Human Realm and its foreign places and activities. Not only that, he was also learning to adjust to living a good life. Belos had taken a lot of things from Hunter, including his childhood. Now it was up to me and the rest of my friends to give Hunter a better life.

"Don't worry, Hunter," I assured, shyly sticking my hand out in front of me. "I'll make sure you don't get lost."

Smiling gratefully, Hunter slipped his hand into mine, gently interlocking our fingers. "Thank you. I'd like that."

I felt my face burn as I squeezed Hunter's hand tight. "Um, let's go then..."

As I led him around the mall, I couldn't help but chuckle at Hunter's reaction to his surroundings. He'd anxiously glance around at all the people, then light up excitedly whenever he saw a store he liked. It was absolutely adorable!

"What are we shopping for, anyway?"

I stopped in my tracks and avoided making eye contact with Hunter. "You'll see."

"Hey, Luz, Amity? Could I talk to you for a sec?" I rubbed circles along the bottom knuckle of my thumb.

"Of course!" Luz agreed.

"What did you want to talk about?" Amity wondered.

"Um... let's go somewhere more private," I suggested, leading the two to Luz's room. Once all three of us were inside, I carefully shut the door, not wanting to attract the attention of Camila or the others. "Sorry for dragging you both here."

"Don't worry about it." Luz wore an understanding smile.

"I just wanted to ask for advice," I continued. "It's about Hunter-"


I blushed bright red. Amity placed her hand on Luz's shoulder.

"Please don't embarrass her," Amity pleaded with her. "She's not as willing to talk about these things than you are."

"You're right. I'm sorry," Luz apologized. "Please, continue."

I took a deep breath, then explained my dilemma. "I'm having a hard time catching Hunter's attention. Whenever I try to talk to him or do anything that might make him notice me in the slightest, I get too scared and back out of it. I was wondering if you had any ideas?"

Amity thought for a moment before finally speaking. "You know, summer is approaching..."

Luz gasped excitedly. "That means we'll go to the beach at least a few times!"

"Maybe you could take him swimsuit shopping?" Amity smirked mischievously.

My eyes widened. "Swimsuit shopping? I don't know..."

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