17. "Will You Be My Boyfriend?" (requested)

98 3 11

Requested By: s0150184

Genre: fluff

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none

Extra: One dialogue prompt was provided by WinterBlue_Angel22 and another was said by one of my irl friends. Thank you!

The prompts are: "You're threatening but, like, in an adorable way" and "I'm still tall enough to kiss you"

3rd Person POV:

“Hunter!” A small voice cried with childlike wonder. “Hunter, come check this out!”

A young, adorable little girl with h/c pigtails and a missing front tooth grinned eagerly at her best friend Hunter. She beckoned for him to follow her into a deep alleyway.

“Y/n, Uncle Belos is expecting me soon,” sighed Hunter, a weary young boy with ashy blond hair and deep violet gems for eyes. His body language gave away his nerves. “If I'm late, I'll get in big trouble.”

The girl named Y/n waved her hand dismissively. “Pfft- It's fine! Mr. Belos can wait. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!”

“Ok, fine,” Hunter said with a tone of anxiety in his voice. “We better not get caught, though.”

Y/n led Hunter to the alleyway, regardless if he was going into this regrettingly. He felt the alleyway was spooky and full of scary animals or people. Fortunately, none of that existed in this lonely alleyway; only the Emperor Coven’s trash was left to rot.

Y/n dashed giddily to a garbage-filled bag and promptly rummaged through it. Hunter scrunched his nose in disgust.

“Y/n, what're you doing? That's filthy!”

The eccentric young girl bounced up suddenly, holding something very small in her clamped hands. She ran over to show Hunter. “Look what I found yesterday! I think you'll love it.”

With that, Y/n unclamped her hands and revealed two shiny rings both made of silver. They sparkled elegantly in the sunlight, taking Hunter's breath away.

“Wow, Y/n, they're beautiful…”

Y/n smiled brightly. “I know, right? I was thinking that we could both wear them. We could be matching!”

“Matching?” Hunter asked as he took one of the rings to examine it. “Why would we need matching rings?”

“Well, I've been reading lots of books lately,” Y/n explained. “Books about boys and girls who like being around each other so much that they give each other an official title.”

“An official title? What are you talking about?” Hunter tilted his head to the side like a little lost puppy.

“Well, the titles I've heard about are ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’,” Y/n continued with excitement, “sometimes even ‘partner’. I've read so many stories about a boy and a girl, but I've also read some with two girls and two boys. They call each other ‘boyfriend' or ‘girlfriend', but sometimes they give each other cool nicknames as well. Isn't that amazing?”

Hunter's eyes gave a little twinkle. “Yeah, I suppose that does sound intriguing. How does one earn this kind of title?”

“By being the bestest of friends, of course!” Y/n laughed. “Here, let's put on the rings.”

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