08. Kidnapped (requested)

697 18 158

Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: hurt/comfort

Warnings: kidnapping, lab testing

Spoilers: None


Y/n's POV:

Right before school got out for the day, I received a text from Luz.

Luz: Heyyy, girl! I'm having a sleepover at my house tonight with everyone. Do you wanna come? We'll have lots of snacks~ 🙃😝🥺💕✨

I smiled with amusement, silently laughing to myself. Luz was so much fun to hang out with, no matter the circumstances.

Y/n: Of course! Should I bring anything? Food maybe?

I waited for a response from Luz, trying not to get caught having my phone in class. Then my phone quietly beeped.

Luz: If you want to, you can bring extra snacks. You can never have too many snacks!! Please come over at 6:00 pm. We'll be waiting for you!! 🥰🤪😎⭐️💘

I quickly shut off my phone and shoved it back into my pocket. The classroom clock read 3:57, meaning we had four more minutes until the final bell rang. That would be enough time to finish the first section of my newly assigned Vocabulary packet.

I always found it annoying that my English teacher would hand these packets out on Friday to do over the weekend. There's no way I'd ever do my homework over the weekend! I always did my English homework during my other class periods since I had English last. Call it lazy all you want, but I'm not wasting any of my weekend slaving away to unnecessary school work.

Time Skip

As I carefully swung a grocery bag full of chips and candy, I stared into the evening sky, admiring its beauty. The bright orange and red hues were what attracted me the most. It was almost 6 pm, and I was currently walking over to Luz's house. This sleepover was going to be so much fun! I could tell already.

Before I met all my friends from the Demon Realm, I never liked to go out much. The thought of introducing myself to new people and having to BS my way through small talk terrified me to the bone. Recently, I've been slowly getting out of my comfort zone little by little, and it's been helping me socially. It's been nice getting together with all my friends- especially Hunter.

Out of everyone else, I spend more time with Hunter. He's what you would call a close friend. Although, I would prefer if it later became something more. I've had a crush on Hunter ever since I saw him without his Golden Guard mask on. While everyone else was skeptical of him, I was immediately enamored. I mean, who wouldn't fall for him? His ash blonde locks and his deep magenta eyes are to die for! Thankfully, he turned out to be a kind person as I got to know him a little better over time. It's nice having someone to talk to from time to time, and I'm hoping he feels the same way.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts once I realized I was approaching Luz's neighborhood, smiling to myself. I couldn't wait to meet up with everyone again!

However, the sound of approaching footsteps stopped me dead in my tracks. Was somebody following me?

With a cold sweat starting to form along my forehead, I turned my head around, a sense of paranoia building up within me. I was confused when I saw no one behind me.

I gulped. "Um, hello? Is... Is anyone out there?"

No response.

This was starting to get real creepy. I glanced around the area, scanning for any possible danger lurking around. I'd have to tell Luz about this once I arrived at her house in case there was someone dangerous on the loose around town.

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