16: Headcanon: Cardinal Harpy Curse!Hunter (requested)

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Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: fluff, headcanon

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none

Prompt: Y/n's relationship with Hunter, who has a Cardinal Harpy Curse

- When you and Hunter first got into a relationship, Hunter wanted to hide his curse from you. He was scared you'd think he was scary or a freak, and he didn't want to scare you away

- However, there was one day when he couldn't hide it from you. He had forgotten to take his potion in time, and his wings and feathers started to show

- Hunter was so scared. He flew away into the forest to hide, and you followed him to make sure he was ok

- Once you two got a chance to talk, Hunter came to realize you weren't scared of him

- "Wow, Hunter, these wings are very pretty," you gushed as you ran your fingers along the tips of his beautiful, red wings. "I love them! They're so adorable."

- Since then, Hunter was never afraid to show you his wings or feathers

- Whenever he needs his wings to be preened, he knows he can count on you to help him

- He's gotta look and feel his best for you, you know?

- He'll even protect you from danger in his Harpy form, which adds a little bit of extra power to his abilities

- If you're not scared of heights, he'll take you flying sometimes, letting you ride on his back

- There'll be times when he's insecure about his curse, so just let him know that you'll be there for him

- Also, it would be wise to help him remember to take his potion

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