10. Aftermath, Pt. 1 (requested)

387 11 14

Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: hurt/comfort (mostly hurt)

Warnings: sad Hunter 💔, hospitals

Spoilers: Season 2, Episode 21: "King's Tide"

Y/n's POV:

"We gotta stick together," Luz insisted as she held King by his claws.

The Titan's skull was split down the center, causing the ground to rumble and shake. With a heartbroken look in his eyes, King apologized, saying, "I'm sorry. Not this time."

Tears streamed down Luz's face. "No..."

"Luz," King began, "I'm so happy I had you as a big sister."

King took a big inhale, then let out a massive "Wah!", sending Luz and the rest of us inside the door leading to the Human Realm. I landed on my back and I yelped quietly from the pain it had caused. I had hit my head hard along with it. I could feel cold raindrops pattering against my bloody face.

"No! King!" Luz cried.

While Amity tried to calm Luz down, I could barely keep my eyes open. The world around me was hazy and slowly becoming dark. I tried to say something- anything, really- but no sounds came out. Hunter was the first to notice my weakened state. He immediately ran to my side.

"Y/n! Y/n, hold on. Please!" he begged.

I didn't respond.

I must've appeared to be close to death because I heard Hunter quickly add, "If you die, I don't know how I can live with myself!"

Dummy, I scolded Hunter mentally. You can't say stuff like that.

I knew he couldn't hear me, but I didn't care. I could feel the scuffling of feet across the wet grass as my friends began to gather around me.

"We gotta get my mom!" Luz shouted. "She'll know what to do."

After that, I couldn't hear anything else. I could see Hunter hovering above me, calling out my name by what I was assuming. Within seconds, I had completely blacked out.

Hunter's POV:

"Mamá!" Luz cried. "Y/n- She's hurt really bad!"

I held Y/n in my arms, snuggling her cold, wet body next to my chest. I knew she wasn't dead, but it still worried me to the point where I wondered if she really had died.

It's just the rain that's making her cold, I convinced myself. She can't be dead.

I check her pulse. It's faint, but it's still there.

See? She's fine. Stop overthinking!

Luz's mother called the human doctors with an object that served the same function as a Scroll or a Crow Phone back in the Demon realm. After that, we waited until a large, white and red vehicle pulled up in front of the house. Several human doctors leapt outside the vehicle, ripped Y/n from my arms, and placed her on top of a stretcher that ended up inside the vehicle. I was upset at first for losing contact with Y/n, but I knew it would be pointless to try and get her back. The human doctors knew what they were doing, right?

I felt a trembling hand on my shoulder, and I realized it was Gus, which eased my initial panic a little.

"She's going to be ok," he promised. "We'll go visit her in a little bit and we'll see that she's alright."

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