13. Grom Night (requested)

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Requested By: St4rL1ght01485 (I'm so sorry it took this long!)

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

Spoilers: The Grom episode prolly (Idk if that actually counts as spoilers though)

Extra: "p/t" means "preferred track"

Y/n's POV:

Slimy Abomination balloons and bright, golden letters that spelled out "Grom" were the first to greet me when I set foot inside Hexside this morning. The entire premise was beautifully decorated, and lots of couples were asking each other the same thing:

"Will you go to Grom with me?"

Naturally, bursts of dopamine swam laps through my brain, and I had to refrain from cheering out loud. More than anything, I love school social events. They're always so exciting! I could tell my friends were just as excited about the upcoming event– all except one, who looked more confused than eager.

"What's everyone so hyped about?" asked my friend Hunter. He readjusted the yellow sleeve of his Hexide uniform, covering his wrist. "I've never seen Hexside look so..." He pulled out his best jazz hands. "...pizzazzed."

"Oh, that's right! You're still new to all of Hexide's traditions," Willow said, pressing her hands together in a prayer-like fashion. "All the students and staff are preparing for the Grom Dance."

"Grom Dance?" Hunter turned to me with big, curious eyes. "What's that?"

"Well, Grom is a way to celebrate our protection against Grometheus the Fear Bringer." I tried my best to explain, all while exaggerating the name of Grometheus. "Basically, the staff picks a Grom Queen to fight Grometheus, while the rest of us dance and have a good time. Then we do it all again the following year."

Hunter lit up once he got a good understanding of the event. "Oh, I see! So the Grom Queen is like some sort of awesome warrior princess then?" He practiced swinging his Palisman stick around like it was a sick battle sword, making me laugh softly. Hunter can be so goofy sometimes!

"Yes, but it's more of a burden than it is exciting," Amity sighed. "I would know. Luz and I were the Grom Queens last year."

Hunter's eyes widened. "There can be two Grom Queens?"

Amity shrugged, while Luz gave a hearty laugh and said, "It's a long story."

"Oh." Hunter stopped asking questions and instead observed the unfamiliar surroundings, taking it all in. It was obvious he was still new to how social events worked, but I wouldn't mind helping him out a little.

"Hey, Hunter," I said. I gave Hunter's shoulder a quick tap, making him spin around to face me. As his chestnut brown eyes pierced mine, I felt a dusty blush creep across my face. "This week will likely be stressful and full of changes, so let me know if you have any questions, ok? I'll be here to help."

Hunter smiled gratefully before gently smacking my shoulder. "Awesome, thanks! You're the best, Y/n!" The all-too-familiar screeching of the monstrous school bell filled the halls. "Whoops, don't wanna be late for Potions! See you guys later!"

Just as Hunter took off for his first class of the day, I mumbled out, "Anytime..."

I could practically feel my heart melting!

"Ooh, looks like someone's in looooovvve..." Willow teased, giggling a bit. She and Amity shared a collective smirk before Luz realized what was going on.

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