07. A Day At Home (requested)

450 9 24

Requested By: WinterBlue_Angel22

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none

Spoilers: none


Y/n's POV:

Hunter and I were both on the bed in Luz's guest room. I was laying down, staring at the ceiling, and being very bored, while Hunter was playing a game on the Noceda's gaming console, sitting upright. Today just happened to be one of those days where everything was uneventful, and the boredom was seriously starting to slowly kill me.

Most days, I'm able to conjure up a fantasy world in my head to pass the time, but today my mind was pulling a blank. I really didn't want to interrupt Hunter's concentration on the video game, but my desperation for attention and something to do was beginning to overwhelm me. I had to think of something fast before my mind fully encased itself with sheer boredom.

I decided to sit up, and I noticed that Hunter still hadn't taken his eyes off the console.

"Hey, Hunny," I said softly. "Whatcha playing?"

Still keeping his eyes on the screen, Hunter replied with, "Breath of the Wild."

I took a quick glance at the console and saw that Hunter was currently battling some monsters. "Oh, cool."

I continued to watch him play for a bit as a way to distract myself. Hunter was really good at this game. I was in awe as Hunter continued to fight all sorts of monsters, and he even briefly explained some of them to me as he played. I made a mental note to myself to definitely play this game someday.

However, as time passed, I was starting to get bored again. I carefully studied Hunter's face shape, glancing at every detail- from his scars to his glittering eyes... and then to his delicately pointed ears.

Then, a sneaking urge crept into my mind- the first thought I had all afternoon. It was a idea of how to get his attention. It was certainly risky, but it was worth a shot. After all, Hunter is my boyfriend, right? He wouldn't mind if I asked him.

"Hunter?" I nervously tugged at the sleeve of his shirt.

"Yeah?" Hunter queried. His attention was still fixated on the game.

Why am I so nervous? I asked myself.

"Uh- um..." I began to falter a little, questioning why this was so difficult to ask. "C-Can I touch your ears, please...?"

There it was. The question was out.

I expected a reaction from Hunter, of course, but the way he reacted was not anything like I had expected.

Upon hearing my sudden request, Hunter took a moment to process it, then immediately jolted up, accidentally dropping the gaming console onto the bed. His face and ears were beet red, and I could tell that I had embarrassed him.

He managed to squeak out, "Eh? How-How come?"

My face was starting to flush too. "Be-Because your ears so extremely adorable, Hunter..."

I couldn't believe I was doing this. I didn't care about it too much at first, but now I realized how stupid I probably sounded.

To my surprise, Hunter smiled in a flustered way and replied with, "G-Go on...I-I don't mind at all, Y/n."

My heart skipped a beat. I was amazed that he'd even agree to do this for me. Quickly, he paused the game, set the gaming console on the bedside desk, then laid his head across my lap. His face was still red- which reminded me of Amity.

"Y-You can start whenever," Hunter cued. "I'm ready."

And with that, I slowly brought my trembling hands down to where Hunter's ears were. I could feel my heart pounding within my chest, and I was internally squealing at how cute Hunter looked at that very moment.


Once the tips of my fingers brushed up against Hunter's ears, I felt Hunter freeze up a bit.

"What's wrong?" I inquired. I hoped I didn't do anything wrong.

Hunter let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry, N/n. Your hands were just a bit cold, that's all."

I laughed awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed. "Heh heh... Sorry."

I returned to what I wanted to do to begin with. I gently place my hands over Hunter's ears, carefully pressing the pointed tips of them. His ears were warm to the touch, which was soothing. I found it hard to not love his ears. They were unique and lovable, compared to my rounded, human ears.

Thankfully, Hunter appeared to enjoy his special treatment. He was smiling giddily to himself and blushing so hard that I thought he was going to overheat himself. At least he was feeling content.

After spending countless minutes simply touching his ears, I eventually decided to take things to the next level.

I was going to stroke his ears.

As soon as I began the stroking portion of his treatment, Hunter's behavior begun to change. He was smiling much wider and his previously red face shifted into a shade of red that would put Amity's blushing face to shame. He even had one of his eyes closed, as if he were in heaven.

I chuckled quietly. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"

Hunter nodded his head. "Uh-huh! This feels great."

"I'm glad you think so," I beamed. "Would you like me to massage your ears?"

"Yes, please!" Hunter begged. "I would kill for that right now!"

I laughed at his antics. He was so adorable.

"Coming right up!" I said as I began the massaging stage.

As I massaged his ears, Hunter occasionally let out a few sighs of contentment, then curled up into a ball- just like a small animal would do. I was having trouble containing myself at his cute behavior. It was almost too much to handle!

Then, completely out of nowhere, I heard a low, rumbling purr-like sound coming from the depths of Hunter's throat. It didn't last long, but I still caught onto it pretty quickly. I decided to pause from the massage.

"Hunter, was that... was that a purr?" I asked, completely dumbfounded by what had just happened.

Hunter looked scared out of his mind. "Um... I have no idea what that was."

I had no words. I couldn't believe Hunter just purred! I didn't even think he could do that!

Hunter removed himself from my lap and averted his eyes nervously. "P-Please don't get the wrong idea from this or anything. Trust me, I seriously don't know what that was!"

I suddenly burst out laughing, completely catching Hunter off guard. "I-I'm sorry... Hold on. Give me a second..." I finished laughing before continuing. "Sorry, Hunter. That was just... super cute."

"It- It was?" It was now Hunter's turn to be at a loss for words. It was almost like he didn't know whether to be embarrassed or confused.

I wrapped my arms around Hunter's waist, blushing slightly. "Yeah, it was. I'm glad we could spend a little quality time together."

Hunter smiled warmly, then pressed his lips against my forehead. "I'm happy we did this too."

Word Count: 1172

Hey, guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this oneshot! It really means a lot to me when you read and post comments on my stories (Seriously! Your comments always make my day!). I'll be posting more soon, so please keep an eye out. Ily! ❤️

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