Chapter 3

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I was pulled from my little daydream of being happy with Derek, by my phone playing Derek and I's song, Thunder. He was calling me. I couldn't help feeling that he didn't care, so I decided that I would ignore the call. My phone buzzed a few minutes after i hit the ignore button, he left a message. Harry convinced me to listen to the message, he said it would probably be best if I listened to it.

I dialed my voicemail and heard "Sadie, I don't know what is going on. But I think we need to fix it, I've been a jerk lately. I called you because I need to tell you that when the guys and I went out into town last weekend, I met a girl. I honestly don't remember her name." His voice began to sound weak and I knew he was crying on the voicemail. But he continued "She meant nothing to me. I was drunk and acting stupid. You mean everything to me. I am going to Skype you in a little bit. I hope this doesn't mess us up. I love you Sadie." I hung up the voicemail. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! I don't think I have ever had so many different emotions bottled up inside of me. I mean I had Harry freaking Styles with me and I was still completely loyal to Derek! Harry was now sitting on the edge of my bed and i was sitting with my back against the headboard trying to figure out what had just happened. I had tears streaming down my face, Harry wiped them away with a concerned look on his face asking what had happened. I couldn't do anything but just hand him my phone. He listened to the voicemail and got an angry look in his eyes. He deleted the message and asked if he could do anything. I looked at him sobbing and said "Can you just hold me?"

He had a grin on his face and moved so he was right next to me, he put his arms around me as I layed my head on his chest. My tears began to slow and Harry was rubbing my back and pulled me up so I was sitting in his lap, I wrapped my arms around him and began to cry even more. This time I wasn't sure if I was crying because of what was happening with Derek, or because I think I was falling for Harry. It seems crazy, we haven't even known each other for 24 hours but I feel safe with him, and he listens, and he genuinely cares. He pulled me back so I was looking at him he wiped my face and said "Please smile love, you are to pretty to cry." I couldn't help not crying. So Harry said "well, maybe the tickle monster is going to have to visit" he began to tickle my sides and I could not stop laughing, i was SOOO ticklish! My tears went away and he finally stopped! I looked at him smiling--speechless. He looked at me and said "an asshole like him doesn't deserve a girl like you." He leaned in to kiss me and then my iPad started ringing.

Derek was Skyping me. I panicked and hopped off of Harry's lap and on to Mady's bed. I answered the call. Derek looked happy to see me, and began talking as if nothing had ever happened. He started rambling and I was not paying attention, instead I was looking at Harry who was making silly faces at me to try to make me laugh. I heard Derek say "Babe show me your room!" Since I was using my iPad this would be fairly easy, but how would Harry hide. I stood up between the two beds and turned the camera on my iPad around so it was the facing the comforter. I looked at Harry who was standing behind me. I spun around slowly showing Derek the room. As I did this Harry wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me from behind. He tucked his head between my shoulder and my neck and I let out a little giggle. Derek made a face and Harry quietly whispered "shhhh!"

Derek got angry and yelled "WHO ARE YOU WITH!? WHERE IS MADY!" I told him she was with some friends we met. Derek calmed down a bit but asked in a snippy tone "guy friends?" I lied and told Derek no. But Harry said yes, loud enough for Derek to hear. That was it. Derek snapped. He started yelling asking who was with me. He yelled at me "Sadie you are such a slut, I don't know how I ever trusted you! I can't believe you cheated on me!, I hate you! We are done!" Harry snatched my iPad out of my hand and i could hear him yell at Derek through my sobbs. He said "You are an idiot, you cheated on her and she was going to look past it, she hasn't done anything to make you not trust her, if you let her go you will be making the biggest mistake of her life. she adores you and yet you treat her like shit, you forgot that your anniversary with her is today! She deserves WAY better than you!" and with that Harry hung up and turned my iPad off. Harry laid onto my bed and I collapsed on his chest sobbing. His arms around me made me feel safe, comforted, and loved.

I cried myself to sleep and woke up two hours later still laying on Harry's chest. He was talking to Mady but I didn't feel like moving. I realized that Harry was telling her what had happened with Derek. I knew I should get up, but the warmth Harry's chest gave off, the way moved up and down as he'd breathe, the way his voice sounded like an echo in his chest, and the way his heart would beat faster as I shifted my head made me want to lie there forever. I felt like if I just laid there no harm could be done to me. I finally decided to sit up.

Louis looked at my red face that still had a few tears which Harry wiped away.Liam looked at me and came towards me putting his hand hand on my arm and i flinched away. I didn't want to be rude, I was just still in shock. Harry looked up at Liam and said I think she just needs a little space, I instantly snuggled up to him, hiding my face, I felt as if I was a lion at the zoo being watched through glass. Harry leaned down and said "how about we go get dinner with eeveryone" I looked at him and said "only if you don't leave my side" he held out his pinky and said "I pinky promise"

I smiled and got up to fix myself a bit. I heard a knock on the bathroom door, and said come in. It was Mady she said she was sorry and that she was always there for me whenever I needed her and hugged me then left. I came back out and said I was ready.

Harry stood next to me and we were going to go to the boys room so Harry could get a fresh shirt. I grabbed his hand because I was scared he would leave he gave my hand a light squeeze, and said "I am here don't worry. I won't go anywhere." We got to the elevator, as the door opened I saw my dad standing there.

Shit. I forgot to text my dad about the boys!!

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