Chapter 15

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It was 11:40 pm now, and I was getting nervous. The boys should have landed now and I should have heard from Harry. Ashlyn tried calming me down she said "I'm sure he's just trying to get his things and talk to any fans who are there." I smiled "yeah, that's probably it. How about we put a movie in, hopefully it will make time go quicker." She nodded "yeah, you can pick." I picked The Amazing Spider-Man, it was now one of my favorite movies. We started the movie and I was so in to the movie that I hadn't noticed my phone going off. The movie ended and it was now almost 2 am. Finally there was a knock at the door.

"HARRY!!" I screamed, he laughed and pulled me into his arms. I giggled and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. He held me tight and spun me around, I leaned back a bit and looked at him, he leaned in and kissed me. I was so happy to see him. We pulled away from each other and he put me back on my feet. I put my head on my chest and held onto him, I was scared if I let him go I would find out he wasn't really here. Harry pulled me off him a bit and said "can I talk to you alone?" I looked at him worried and said "uhh, yeah, what's going on." He gave me a look like i-will-tell-you-once-we-are-alone. I grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs and into my bedroom.

He looked around and smiled, he noticed the two posters I had. One of him that was next to my bed and the other of all the boys on my door. He smiled and let out a little chuckle, "I like those" he said motioning towards the posters. I gave him a playful shove and said "seriously though, what's going on? Where is Niall?" Harry looked at the ground and his smile faded "well you see Niall is scared to meet her, and so he wouldn't get on the plane. So he ran away back to the hotel. So I went back to get him but he wouldn't come out of the bathroom so I got fed up and left. Then I got to the airport missed my flight, got a layer one, and now I'm here. And Niall is not." I got so mad with him "HARRY STYLES! What do you think you have just done! Ashlyn is dying to meet Niall and thinks he doesn't like her, if he wouldn't have come you shouldn't have! He pulled me close to him and said "I'm sorry baby, I just can't stay away from you. I will talk to Ashlyn, you call Niall. He listens to you better than us guys."

Harry went down stairs and I called Niall in FaceTime. He answered and I said "Niall what are you doing?" "Sadie, I just can't do this. She seems so perfect, what would maker her like someone like me, I mean I'm just Niall." I cut him off "Niall, you are so sweet, caring, funny, and any girl would be lucky to have you." He nodded and said "yeah I'm Niall Horan!" I laughed and said "now will you please get on a plane and come see a girl who is probably crying downstairs because you ditched her!?" He smiled "I'm on my way!" I breathed a sigh of relief "good now text me as soon as you are on the plane! Or else you don't get any cookies!" He gasped "you would never!" I laughed "bye Niall." "Bye Sadie thank you!"

I walked down stairs and found Ashlyn laying in Harry's lap sobbing. Harry looked up at me not knowing what to do. I sighed, "Ashlyn, can you sit up. I have good news. Niall is on his way to the airport and he will be here." Her frown turned to a smile and she shot up from Harry's lap. I'm not going to like that relieved me, I did not like other girls on my Harry! She stood up and said "I need to fix my makeup!" I laughed and said "okay, Harry and I have a few things we need to get. Text us if you need something." She looked at me confused "but it's 3am." I looked at Harry and said "he forgot his underwear and a few other things. Niall is bringing it with, but he had a bit of an accident.." I said scrunching my face. She groaned and ran upstairs.

I sat on Harry's lap and turned to face him "Really Sadie, I had an accident?" I giggled, "shhh, Harry lets go." I got up and grabbed his keys he followed me out the door. "Now why do we really need to go out?" I laughed and said "well Niall really needs to give Ashlyn something to make up for what he did, so we are going to help him out and pick stuff up before he can get here so he doesn't look bad. He needs to make a good first impression. And yo had an accident for putting me in the position to fix everything!" I said making a face at him. He laughed and said "that's okay, and I love you Sadie! Thank you for fixing this. And be careful about scrunching your face, you will get wrinkles." He said kissing my nose. I playfully shoved him off of me giggling "come on Harry, lets go"

Harry drove us to Walmart, it wasn't my first choice but it was about all that was open at this time of night. I grabbed a cart and looked at the flowers, I picked up a bouquet that had a lot of bright glittery daisies. Harry looked at it and shook his head "No babe, you need to go classic with romantic red roses." I gave him a look "really?" He smiled "yes, and that's probably what Niall would pick." I sighed, "fine..." He laughed and kissed me on the cheek. I giggled "now what do we get?" Harry shrugged "I'm not sure, what does she like?" My eyes grew wide. "I have no idea. Uhmm, she likes you guys. Hum maybe candy? And a movie? And popcorn?" Harry looked at me surprised, "babe that's a lot." I laughed "no, think about it. Why don't we make a gift basket and it can be like a date for the two of them in a basket that they can do before we leave, just the two of them. It's stress free for them and it won't cause rumors." Harry smiled and pulled me into a hug "Babe you are so smart, beautiful, perfect, and I love you SO much!" He said and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

I smiled and we went to get the rest of the stuff. Harry's phone rang and he spoke on the phone for a bit. He hung up and said, "It was Niall, he landed and wants us to pick him up." We got the last few things and checked out. I tried to help pay but Harry insisted. I sighed. We walked back to the car and I got into the backseat so that I could put together the gift basket. We arrived at the airport and got Niall. I gave him a big hug "Niall I'm so proud of you for coming!" He laughed and said "I was just being a little baby!" Harry laughed "you've got that right!" The two went back and forth pushing each other around and I said "come on now, I like my boyfriend's face the way it is!" They laughed and pulled apart. Harry put his arm around me and we walked to Harry's car. He got in the backseat and looked at what we had done "hmm, what is this?" I turned to look at him, "well, these are what you are giving Ashlyn, she cried cause she thought you hated her. The gift basket is for you and Ashlyn from Harry and I. We gave you two a date in a basket all you need is yourselves and a tv." Niall laughed and thanked us. I texted Ashlyn that we were on our way back. She replied oh kay, I was starting to get worried, hopefully Harry hasn't had anymore accidents. The text made me laugh and Harry looked at me "babe you okay?" I tried to control my laughter "Ashlyn.. Wants to make... Sure you haven't had more accidents.." Harry made a face that said I am not impressed, which made me laugh even harder. Niall asked "What is going on!?" I laughed and Harry explained as we drove back to my house.

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