Chapter 5

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While we were in the elevator Harry warned me that there could be pushing and shoving, but that he would keep his arms around me and not leave my side. I knew it probably wasn't the best decision to go out with Harry and probably end up online and in magzines, but after the day I'd had I really didn't care if Derek saw or nott. I felt safe with Harry and all I wanted to do was spend more time with him.

We reached the lobby and Harry put his arms around me and told me that he would put his arms around my waist and not let go of me until we were safely in the van. We got outside and there was easily 200 girls who were wrapped around us, all I could hear was screaming. I was never a clastraphobic person, but I think I was then. There were people yelling and screaming there were cameras flashing, and I just wanted to be out of there. I started breathing heavily begining to panick. I felt a big hand on my front and realized Harry was just moving to remind me he was with me. I looked back to him, he saw how nervous i was so he poked Niall, who was in front of me, on the back and Niall grabbed my hand to help guide me.

Niall sat in the front row of seats, Harry myself and Louis sat in the second row with me in between the two, and Mady, Zayn, and Liam say in the back row. I held on to Harry like my life depended on it. I am not sure what it was, but something about Harry just made me feel safe and at home. Right now I really just wanted to talk to my mom about everyting that was happening, but she was in Dallas at a business convention, and I knew that she didn't have time to be worried about me. I realized that I was still shaking from walking to the van. Louis looked at Harry then grabbed my shoulder and said, "it's alright love, we are all here to protect you, think of us as your sexy security guards and you are a famous singer!"

The thought of that made me giggle and I let go of Harry but still held his hand, the way his hand wrapped around mine, the way our fingers meshed together so perfectly was comforting, and I felt like he felt it to the way he would slowly move his thumb up and down my hand, or would open up my hand and write letters and shapes on my palm. We had only met earlier that day, but somehow I felt as if we had known each other for our entire lives. I really did want to date Harry but how would it work when he has to travel? and did I really want to throw away four and a half years of fighting for Derek, I mean we all make mistakes, don't we?

 We went to a pizza shop that Niall had picked out earlier, when we got there we were escorted to a huge booth towards the back. I sat between Niall and Harry, Louis sat on the other side of Harry, Mady sat across from me between Zayn and Liam. I put my phone on the table between Harry and I incase my dad were to text me. I heard my phone buzz and looked down. It said: 

From: Derek<3 best bf ever! :)  

Sadie, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier I shouldn't have freaked out, it's just I miss you a lot. Please talk to me about this. I also think that we need to talk about the picture that was posted on twitter, we have both made mistakes but, I love you! -Derek.  

I was regretting the name I had for him in my phone. Before I could hit the reply button, Harry took my phone and put it in his pocket. I glared at him, he could tell I was upset and he simply said, "I am not going to let that douche bag ruin your night, you will get it back when we are at the hotel and you have finally had fun!" I smiled knowing he was right.

Everyone was kind of having there own little conversations and I was talking to Niall, we were joking around and he said Twitter pic!? I said sure! Why not! I felt Niall put his arm around me then felt Harry's arm around my waist pull me away from Niall. He gave him a look that clearly said stay away from her, I could see the anger in Harry's eyes. I put my hands on is cheeks and tugged on his face so he was looking directly at me. I looked him in the eyes, until I saw his anger fade, then said "Harry, we were just taking a picture. I promise if I am with anyone here tonight it's you." I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and watched his face turn red. It was nice knowing that I had the same effect on him that he had on me. When I finally popped out of my Sadie and Harry world I realized Liam staring at me.

I meant to ask Harry what that was about, Liam had barely said one word to me and I couldn't think of anything I had done that would make him mad at me. I felt like I had gotten really close to all of the other boys, except Zayn because he was busy trying to get all the time in he could with Mady, which I get. I felt the same way about Harry, but I still wanted to get to know all of the guys. The way that Liam would look at me was a look of worry, and it scared me. I feel like I had done something wrong. but I didn't know what.

 We all ate our pizza, I was amazed at how much Niall could eat with out barely even getting full. We all looked at each other we could all tell no one wanted to go home. So I piped up and said "What if we go to an arcade!?" The boys got really excited and I took that as a yes. So the boys paid for there food, five separate bills, I tried to let Harry pay for part of mine, but he looked at me and said "this is nothing, I'm sure you can pay me back later!" with a wink. I blushed at what he had just said my eyes were probably shooting out of my head. But I didn't care.

We all got into the van and headed to the arcade. There was a partner racing game for up to 8 people, I got on the pink bike and motioned for Harry to climb on the back. He looked at me and said "now why do you get to drive?" I smiled and said "Because if I win this for the two of us I want a reward.." He looked at me confused and said "well what would that reward happen to be" I told him "if I win this for you and me, you have to jump into the pool in just your boxers!" It sounded good in my head.. I realized it wasn't when he laughed and said back "well babe-I can make it less than my boxers." I laughed and said, "Whatever you say Styles.. but it will go on twitter!"

Harry climbed on behind me and said really pink? I laughed and said is this a problem? He chuckled and whispered into my ear "as long as I'm with you I don't care at all. And kissed my neck sending a million chills through my body. Mady and Zayn got on a blue bike, Liam and Louis shared a red bike, and Niall got on the green bike! "Guys I'm alone he whined, there was a bit of crowd around us so i piped up and said "do any of you want to ride with Niall", there were a few sequels, I turned to Niall and told him to take his pick, and then we raced.

Harry and I got first, Niall got second, Mady and Zayn got third, Louis and Liam came in last. I turned back to Harry and said, "get ready to melt a millions of girls hearts with your jump in the pool!" Harry looked at me and said, "that was only round one, you. me. racing double or nothing, you win I have to do your video AND make you dinner! BUT if I win, I get to take you on a date, just the two of us!" I smiled and said it's on Styles. We went to a racing game that I have played many times before. I was a champ at this game, I never lost. But for the first time ever I actually lost. I think I actually threw the game so that I could go on a date with Harry. I acted defeated as he paraded around. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, and said "drop it Styles. I let you win." Harry looked at me and said "now why would you do that?" I was still standing extremely close to him and moved my hands that were on his chest up into his hair as I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He looked down at me shocked and I just winked at him and said "I guess I really wanted that date!"

 It was 12:45am so we decided we should go. Harry was getting my sweatshirt so I took this opportunity to talk to Liam. I went up to him and said "I don't want to sound rude,but did I do something to offend you?" He smiled at me and said "no. I just- I see the way Harry looks at you, and I don't want him getting hurt. When he was talking to me in his room about you he was so nervous, and I saw the way his face lit up when he saw that you were the one who was walking in the room. I don't think you understand what you do to him, you make him a Harry that the rest of us have been missing for a long time, he is so happy when he is with you." I was so excited with what he had said! I gave him a big hug and said "I have no intentions on hurting him, especially after all he has done for me, and the way I make him feel is the same way he makes me feel."

Harry got back and we got in the van. This time he and I sat in the front row, I put my head on his chest being extremely tired he played with my hair and lightly traced patterns on my back through my shirt, I quickly fell asleep but 30 minutes later I felt Harry pick me up. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was going on. I realized I'd fallen asleep in the car, he finally put me down when we were in the elevator, but demanded to walk me to my room and settle me into bed. I got to the hotel room, and my dad was sitting in front of my door with a worried look....

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