chapter 2

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I looked at Harry and said "it''s kind of a long story, are you sure that you want to know?" Harry looked back at me saying, "Take as long as you need, I have all the time in the world, I am here for you." I decided to tell Harry all about Derek, starting from the begining.


I was finally a seventh grader, this meant that i get to have band with eighth graders. Our school didn't have band geeks, band was actually pretty cool at our school, so being with the eighth graders was really exciting! I showed up for the first day of camp, which was more of just a bonding experience at our middle school. I sat on my chair next to an eighth grader who seemed nice enough, and Rae, she was in my grade and always seemed super nice but really shy. Next to Rae sat an eighth grader named Derek, he was so cute! He was tall, funny, muscular, smart, he had light brown hair, and dark brown eyes, and he smelled amazing! Most of the girls were either friends with him, or in awe. I was definitely in awe! He started joking with Rae, he and Rae knew each other because of Rae's older brother Mike. Derek's eyes were so gorgeous! They had a glimmer in them, a sparkle, it was hard to describe, but everything felt right. I started to have a crush on him, but things never really changed until we had the biggest parade of the year. It was 95 degrees outside and the parade was three miles long!! It was going to be a longggg three miles!!! In between playing songs we could have an ice cube to keep us hydrated and cool. Derek stood infront of me and my friend Chris, who played the same insturment as him, stood next to me. The three of us were joking around and Chris whispered something to Derek but I wasn't sure what. A few minutes later I found out when they were both shoving ice cubes down my shirt! I was not very happy, but there wasn't much I could do about it. At the end of the parade we ended up having a water fight, which was so much fun!!! That parade was how it all started. From that moment on the two of us were inseperable! There was only one problem... His girlfriend... She was an eighth grader who was definitely a flirt, she never acted like Derek was her boyfriend, he never acted like she was his girlfriend, which made it difficult for me when I wanted nothing more than to be his girlfriend. We would flirt and hang out after school the first half of the school year. We were getting ready for Christmas at our school, we had a secret candy cane sale. You would buy candy canes, then send a slip to the person with a little note. I sent two to Derek, I didn't want to be to obvious, and sent some to my friends. I had recieved a lot of slips before the last day, but none from Derek. I am not going to lie, I REALLY wanted to get a slip that said, "from Derek" or "I only gave you one, because you are my number one." It was cheesy I know, but I couldn't help it. On the last day I recieved a few slips, one from my best friend (we sent each other two candy canes each day of the time), one from Chris, and my last slip said 25 candy canes! I was in shock, Aly was smiling because she knew what it was, I read the slip "Sadie, I give you 25 candy canes.. 25 was my football number, your volleyball number, the number of ice cubes you had down your shirt, the number of times you've let me hold your hand (that number better get bigger;)!), my basketball number, and the day of Christmas! I think it is our number! I will see you after school! ~ Derek" I was sooo excited!! Aly came over and said he asked me if i thought you would like it I loved it!!!! After school Derek gave me his camo print pillow that he had made in home ec class, and i gave him the girly pink one that I made in my home ec class. I hadn't planned on giving it to him, but I didn't think he was getting me a gift, so I did. The pillow he gave me even smelled like him! I slept with it every night!! I went out of town over Christmas break, so we didn't talk much, we talked once the whole time. I was so excited to go back to school, i was excited to see Derek, and because my birthday was the day we went back to school. I got to school, and saw him during band, we sat right next to each other, it was perfect! He grabbed me in his arms and yelled happy birthday and kissed me on the cheek! He told me to meet him in my mom's classroom after school! (my mom was a teacher at our school... awkward) So after school I went to my room and waited for him with Aly who was going to dinner with my family for my birthday. He asked if he could talk to me alone for a little bit, then he told me that he and his girlfriend broke up, and kissed me. I was shocked, it was my first kiss, but it was perfect! Throughout my eighth grade year, things continued the way they were we never dated, but if you were to just see us in the halls you would have thought we were. We were both happy that way, we thought it would make it less difficult when he went to the high school, but it didn't. He left and we barely talked, I had a boyfriend during that year but we broke up because of him. When I got to the high school he and I barely spoke. I was afraid that what we had was gone, and I didn't want to be the one to say something first. Then he started dating one of my close friends. I had enough, I went up to talk to him, well yell at him. "DEREK ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING ME SINCE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! AND NOW YOU ARE DATING HER!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!? YOU MAKE ME SO--" He cut me off by kissing me, passionately, I was in shock by what was happening. It felt right. I told my friend, and they broke up, she confessed she never really liked him, and he never liked her but they knew that if I got mad enough I would actually talk to him. We've been dating since then, and I am going to be a senior, and he is going away to bootcamp. It is so weird not having him around, but I have to get used to it. We were the perfect couple, we were nominated schools cutest couple my freshman year, sophmore year, and junior year. Things semmed perfect. But the last few months that we were spending together he was more and more distant, i was worried, because he has had a history of cheating with his previous girlfriends, but he had been nothing but loyal to me. The sparkle in his eyes was gone. Now I was lucky if I heard from him once a week. I felt as if we were slowly falling out of love...

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