Chapter 1

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I was finally dating Derek, but he was kind of distant. I had my suspicions because of the iffy past I knew he had, but I shook it off guessing that he was just worried about boot camp that was coming up in a couple of weeks. I was staying at his house with him, I got out of school before he did, and his family invited me to stay with them until graduation came. It was great like we were in our own little world...

But time went fast. Derek left for boot camp June 15th. I really missed him, all I would do was lay in my bed and get ready for when he would Skype or FaceTime me. I think what I missed most was having someone to lay with at night, my bed seemed so much lonelier without his strong arms wrapped around me, I missed him kissing good morning or texting me sweet messages that made me feel better about myself if he wasn't with me. He was also becoming less talkative, it got to the point I was lucky to get a text from him, he barely ever said he loved me anymore. But it had been a week and in two days my best friend, Mady, and I were supposed to go on vacation with my dad and his wife.  

Mady came to my house to snap me out of my funk and to help me pack.. It worked somewhat,I was packed.. But my funk wasn't gone. I decided to out on my happy face as we left for vacation. I decided to try my best to get out of my funk.. Derek still had seven weeks of boot camp left, and I couldn't waste my entire summer mad at him being gone...  

We got to our hotel and were in the lobby when my stepmom handed me two keys and said your room is 1125 she said there room was 920 if we needed anything! We were so excited to have our own room!!! We got to our room and settled in took showers, then decided to get Starbucks from the lobby. I texted my dad to let him know, he was a little nervous about his baby being away from him. We had gotten our Starbucks and were in the elevator when we heard a voice with a thick accent say "hold the door please" along with a lot of screams. We grabbed the door quick as five guys rushed in. Slamming the close door button once in.. When we finally looked up we saw One Direction standing in front of us.

I looked at Mady who was in awe blushing and staring at Zayn. Louis looked at us and said "I think you have just saved our lives!" I laughed and said "its no problem. By the way I am Sadie and this is Mady." She was in awe as Zayn kissed her hand. Harry piped up with his low husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. And said "please come hang out with us it is the least we could do after you saved our lives!" I looked at Mady who eagerly nodded her head yes, I said it sounds good, it we need to stop by our room. Harry smiled at me and said "we will come with." I texted my dad a quick message hey! Mady and I are gonna explore the hotel a bit, thanks for the space daddy! I Love you!! :) If my dad knew we were going to hang out with some guys we just met he would freak.

We got to our room, I had completely forgotten about the clothes I left on my bed after my shower. The top item being a hot pink lacy bra from Victoria's Secret. Harry picked it up and said with a cheeky grin on his face "Wow! Your boyfriend must love this!" I kind of let out a little huff and rolled my eyes at the thought of my boyfriend who was being a total jerk lately. Harry looked at me, I could tell he felt bad about what he had just said, I knew he had sensed my tension. Things only got worse when Mady quietly said to herself, but loud enough so we could all here "Maybe he would if he ever payed attention to her!" I looked at Mady angrily.

Zayn piped up trying to change the subject and said "Well are you girls ready?" I suddenly felt like crawling in bed. I looked up at Mady who was wrapped around Zayn and said "I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna stay here and try to rest." Mady huffed knowing why I was staying. I layer on my bed fighting back tears then heard the door close.

I thought I was alone until I felt Harry sit on the edge of my bed I took my hands away from my face and asked why he was still here. He faced me, grabbed my hands in his, looked me in the eyes and said "what's wrong love? I could tell you had a mood change?" I decided to vent to Harry about Derek.

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