Chapter 10

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Mady and I sat down in our seats and waited for the show to begin. I was shocked that we had the seats we did. We were in the center of the first row. A group of girls sat down next to me who were probably around thirteen years old. I overheard them gushing over a picture that Harry had just tweeted. So I checked his twitter on my phone and saw the picture of Lux and I that Lou had taken earlier. On the caption he had: "Two of the cutest girls both here to support me tonight! I don't know how I got this lucky!<3" I wanted to scream when I saw the picture, I showed Mady and she looked up at me and said "That is the sweetest thing ever, you are going to make him so happy when you tell him." I laughed and agreed.

Before the concert could start the group of girls next to me turned towards me and said, "would you mind taking our picture!?" I smiled and said "of course not." They posed and I took the picture. Then they said "would you mind taking a picture with us?" I looked at them shocked and said "what? Why?" The girl who had handed me her phone said "We'll you are with Harry, and you make him happy, and for that direction ears love you, plus being the first group that gets a picture with you would be so cool!" I laughed and said "okay. But Harry and I aren't together. And this is going to sound crazy,but I am a fan girl too!" They looked at me shocked and giggled as the lights went down.

The arena went pitch black, then the boys popped on stage out of the floor. Harry looked gorgeous! I looked up at him in awe, I couldn't believe that THE Harry Styles was so into me, there were so many girls in the world who want to date him, but something made him choose me. Mady and I were dancing and singing along having fun and enjoying ourselves. I caught Harry looking at me multiple times. At one point he stood in the middle of the stage towards the front, eyes locked with mine, smiled, waved and said "hi gorgeous" away from the mic. I blushed and thought I was going to die. P

The boys stopped singing and Harry began talking. I noticed Harry was pacing back and forth and looked nervous. More nervous then he had the rest of the time. He stopped and looked up and said "Well you see, all of our concerts are extremely important to us, and every city is amazing. But since I have been here there was something that made this stop stand out." He paused and looked at me "You see while the boys and I were being chased at our hotel two girls held open an elevator door, and one of them is the most amazing girl I have ever met. So I was able to convince management to let us enter a few extra songs that make me think of her. So this set is for you Sadie." I started to tear up but held my tears back. I hugged Mady but never took my eyes off of Harry.

The first song they sang was What Makes You Beautiful. Harry never took his eyes off of me and stayed in the center the whole time. The way he stared at me was like we were the only ones in the whole arena. He sang his solo and I thought my heart was melting. The second song was Irresistible Harry had no idea that that was one of my favorite songs. Before they started singing it he said "I have no idea how to describe how I felt when I first saw you, there was a whirlwind of emotions, but I think this kind of describes it." The girls who were next to me cried through the whole song and told me how lucky I was. I smiled and said "thank you" as I hugged a few of them who were still crying. I didn't want to see the fans cry. So I tried to help. Harry looked really nervous as Liam started talking "We have one more song for you Sadie. Harry picked this one all by himself and I think this really describes his feelings for you and what we see." He smiled and Louis continued "you know Harry is one of my best mates." And he put his arm around Harry and said "I've never seen him act like this. He is truly happy, and crazy about you. You have turned Harry back into the happy kid we all love, the one who is totally himself." I began to cry as Louis continued "I know Harry better than almost anyone, and the way tha he lights up when he hears your name just shows how much he cares. I mean look a the poor lad. His face is as red as your dress. Which I do have to say looks great like I said it would!" I laughed and wished I was there to shove him. Harry must have read my mind because that's what he did. Harry then spoke and said "So Sadie this is the final song for you in the Sadie set!" And smiled. The music began and they sang Truly, Madly, Deeply. My mouth opened in shock the whole time they sang. This song said so much, and I could barely contain my emotions. The song ended but the music continued to play and Harry spoke "Sadie can you come on stage?"

My eyes widened in shock as I was pulled onto stage by security. The crowd went crazy, but all I saw was Harry. The music was still playing and Harry said "I know what you said, and I know you were hurt. But I want to fix all of that. Let me be the man that you deserve. Let me be the one who you call when you've had a bad day, or when you can't sleep. Because Sadie I honestly think I love you. I know it's only been a day. But I can't imagine my life without you!" Then he sang:

"Truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling

And somehow you kicked all my walls in

So baby, say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you

In love with you"

The music stopped and I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck. I whispered in his ear "Harry I am yours. It's just you and me." He picked me up and twirled me around. Everyone was yelling and screaming. Even the boys. Harry pulled out of the hug and leaned down and gave me a deep romantic kiss. I tried to fight it because everyone was watching, but I couldn't resist. We pulled away and Louis said in his mic. "Good thing you needed air, this show needs to stay PG. I laughed and told Harry he needed to finish his show, he looked at me and said "Just one more song baby, then I'm all yours!" I smiled and blushed then headed back stage. Lou was waiting to hug me I smiled and said "he is truly amazing." The boys finished there last song and there encore, then Harry ran backstage and picked me up.

He looked me in the eyes as he picked me up and said you said "yes! You are my girlfriend!! I can't believe it!" I laughed and said "put me down babe! Lightly smacking his shoulder. He put me down but held onto me tightly. As we walked back to the dressing room there were a lot of smiles and congrats. Mady stopped us and hugged me then looked at Harry and said "DO.NOT,HURT.HER!" He laughed "and said "I could never!" We went to the dressing room, Harry passionately kissed me but we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Harry opened it and was told that we were leaving for dinner in ten minutes. I decided to change into something more casual. So I out on my outfit Harry picked. My black Rolling Stones sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and my other converse that were red and glittery. Harry smiled and grabbed my bag and we walked towards the parking garage together hand in hand.

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