Chapter 14

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I opened the door and saw Ashlyn standing there with a big smile! "Woah" "do I look alright, is something wrong?" I laughed, "no you look fine I just didn't know you were changing your whole outfit." She laughed and said "I just couldn't help it!" Ashlyn had her long red curly hair half pulled back and half down, she had applied just a little bit of eye make up to make her green eyes pop out. Ashlyn had changed into a green summer dress that she paired with a pair of converse. "You ready to meet your favorite boys?" I asked. "oh my gosh yes! I can't wait" I laughed and showed her up to my room.

I picked up my iPad and saw that Harry had left his computer unattended. I k we the only way to get his attention was to start yelling. "Harry, Harry, babe, Louis, Harry, HareBear, Har-" Louis jumped in front of the camera, "SADIE! It's you!" I laughed and said "Hey Lou, where did Harry go?" "Well Harry had to use the bathroom, soooo you get to talk to the queen! Who's with you?" I moved my iPad a bit so he could see Ashlyn, "Louis this is Ashlyn, Ashlyn this is-" "AAAAAAAH YOU ARE LOUIS THE TOMMO TOMLINSON" I laughed along with Louis, "yes I am" Louis stated. I tried to calm down Ashlyn a bit. She looked at me "I'm okay now, it's out of my system." I laughed and then heard Harry's voice from my iPad "I'm back baby, come out come out wherever you are." I laughed and moved in front of the camera. He yelled "GOT YA" I laughed and pretended like I couldn't move. We were both having giggling fits when Louis said "Harry snap out of it you gotta meet Ashlyn!" I motioned for Ashlyn to come towards the camera, she stepped in and smiled and waved Harry smiled and waved back "Hello love, I think there is someone here who wants to meet you" Ashlyn's eyes grew wide and she smiled "really who?"

Harry pulled Niall into the screen as soon as he appeared she blushed "Hi I'm Ashlyn" she said looking down at her fumbling hands. He smiled as he blushed "I'm Niall." I heard my phone go off and looked down at my phone Harry was calling, odd. "Harry what are you doing?" He laughed and said, "FaceTime my phone. I think they are going to be talking a while." I laughed and grabbed my computer and called Harry's phone. "Hey babe look at this," he turned his camera and showed Niall giggling. "I think he likes her." I smiled and said "I can almost guarantee that Ashlynn likes him too." He smiled back and said "it's like we are matchmakers.. If only we could get them to meet in person." My smile faded and Harry noticed "Babe I have an idea! The only thing we have going on are a four radio interviews over the next three days." I looked at him confused "So, that means you can talk more!" He looked at me and laughed "No that means that we can fly to you, and do the radio interviews over the phone! Babe, this plan is perfect!" I looked at him and said "good luck getting that passed," he smiled and said "I will be back in a bit, I am going to make this work!" He kissed his camera " I love you. I will call you in like 20 minutes!" I made a bit of a pouty face and said "Okay HareBear, hurry back! Loveeeee you!" He smiled and hung up.

I went back up to my room and saw Ashlyn smiling at the iPad still talking to Niall. She looked up and said "Oh my goodness, do you need to talk to Harry I am so sorry!" I smiled at her "no, we talked. Talk to Niall." She smiled "yeah Ashlyn talk to me" Niall said making Ashlyn blush. She looked down and began talking to him again. I took this time to check twitter and talk to Mady who was now on vacation with her mom. She picked up her phone "Hey Mrs. Styles!" I laughed and said "Shut up Mads, you are no better!" She laughed "so how are you two?" I smiled "good, we talk a lot. And FaceTime. But it's not the same. So I have a new neighbor." She scoffed a bit, "ugh, i hate new neighbors." I laughed I knew she was referring to the fact that over 10 families had lived in Ashlyn's house the past year, and we were kind of getting sick of new people all the time. "She's actually pretty cool, she's in our class, and she is talking to Niall. I think she is gonna stick around!" Mady laughed "Finally someone does!" I laughed. Then heard Mady say she had to go, they were going to a dinner on the beach. I said ok, and said our goodbyes then we hung up. She would be back tomorrow! Finally!!! Four days without that girl was like two months, she practically lived at my house, she might as well be my sister.

I was playing a game when Ashlyn said "Harry says that he has something to announce to us" I walked over and looked at the screen that was now Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, ad Zayn. Harry said "I talked to management and they said they had a surprise vacation to Fiji for us, so we have the next two weeks off! So Niall and I are going to come see you two, then we will fly back to London for a couple of days, then we are all going to Fiji!" We all screamed then I looked at Harry and said wait, what about my mom, I have to talk to her Harry smiled "Management already had this plan, Simon said that we deserved a gift for doing so well, and being so good in the media. He already talked to your mom, Mady's mom." Zayn let out a little "yes" in excitement. "Also Eleanor and Danielle are going too! The only thing is management has to come with Niall and I to talk to Ashlyn's parents and get everything approved." I smiled, I couldn't believe this! Louis got in front of the camera and said "Eleanor is SO excited to meet you" Liam added "you and Dani are going to get along so well!" I can't wait. When Liam moved away from the screen I noticed that Harry and Niall were gone. "Where did Niall and HareBear go?" Liam let out a little awe, at what I had called Harry and Lous let out a little gag noise. "There flight leaves in two hours, they will be at yours in four hours" Zayn said. I smiled at Ashlyn, she looked a little upset. I told the boys bye, then told them to have Harry text me. We hung up and I looked at Ashlyn.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She looked at me, "He didn't like me, he isn't going to want to go with me!" I looked at her "You are crazy girl! Harry said he never acts like this because of a girl! He will be here in three hours! Just to see you! If things go well you will be going to Fiji with us! Fiji!" She smiled and said it is crazy isn't it! I laughed and said "yes! Do you want to stay over night here? It's already 9 and the boys won't be here till midnight." She nodded "I'd love to, just let me go grab some pajamas." I smiled "okay. I'm going to tidy up my room just a little bit, Harry's never been here, I'm kind of nervous." Ashlyn smiled "Don't be he loves you, he could care less what your room looks like as long as he is with you" when she said that she reassured me, and I felt less nervous, but I still had to clean.

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