Chapter 12

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The next morning Harry woke me up at 4:30am. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock "Babe are you crazy! Did you see what time it is!?" He smiled and grabbed my arms pulling me up "yes, now get up, we are watching the sun rise together." I stood up and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail. I followed Harry to the balcony attached to the boys' hotel room. I started to shiver a bit and Harry wrapped his arms around me since he was covered with a blanket. I sat between his legs with my back pressed to his front. He whispered I my ear "I can't imagine doing anything else right now before I leave."

I turned to face him and grabbed his face in my hands lifting his head up, "Harry.. I-I- what's going to happen now?" He looked at me sadly and said "well, nothing will change, I promise to visit, and I promise that there will always be a ticket for you whenever you can visit!" I smiled and nodded, trying to fight back tears. One slipped and Harry wiped it away with his thumb "Babe, please don't cry, I promise I will text, call, and FaceTime you all the time." I smiled and wrapped him in a hug. I didn't let to until I heard his name being called. I saw Paul standing in the door way "Harry you gotta go pack." He nodded and stood up and we went to his room.

He began packing and remembered I had his clothes on. I grabbed my clothes, and made my way to the bathroom to change. I came back out and handed Harry his clothes. He handed them back to me along with a sweatshirt on top. "Here, please keep them, it might make you miss me less." I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was done packing and I saw a little box on the bed. I picked it up and turned to him, "Harry, you forgot to pack this." He looked at what I was holding then back to me and said "oh no, that is for you." I opened a box and saw a necklace with a H on it and one with a S, he picked up the one with the H and said "now you always have me with you." I looked at the S then up to him. He picked it up and put the long chain over his head. I smiled and said "S for Sadie" he laughed "Obviously babe, and H for Harry" I smiled and kissed him.

We walked hand in hand to the elevator and to the van, when we were in Harry wrapped his arm around me and tried to keep me from crying, but it didn't work. I cried onto his chest. When we arrived at the airport we walked in and hugged each other, he leaned down to kiss me again but he picked up my thighs and wrapped me around him, so we could kiss. I held onto him, and kissed him back like my life depended on it, he pulled back and said "I'm really going to miss you, I love you." I was shocked at what he did, he loved me after this little time. He turned and walked towards the gate. I realized what was happening and sprinted after him and pulled on his jacket "Harry, I love you too!" He leaned down and kissed me once more before turning and going to the plane.

The driver took Mady and I back to the hotel. We went to our room and laid down on the beds, we were exhausted. I got a text from Harry that said "We are about to take off. I promise to call as soon as we land. Get some sleep love. :)xx" I smiled and sent back "goodnight Harry" I looked over to Mady and she was already sleeping. I rolled over and closed my eyes quickly falling asleep I woke up to hearing the door open I looked and saw a maid, apparently we had forgotten the "do not disturb sign" she put it back on the door and went away. I checked my phone 2 texts, 1 call, and 1 voicemail. I checked my texts first one from my dad, and one from Harry. From Dad: "hey we are gonna go to lunch at 2. Be ready by 1:45." I looked at the clock it was now one, I woke Mady up and told her. She got up and went to take a shower. Message from Harry "Hey babe, I left you a voicemail, you are probably asleep but we landed safely." I went to my voice mail and heard "Hey baby, I miss you. We've landed and are at the hotel. I tried to sleep but I can't, Louis is yelling and Niall is eating all of the food he can find" he laughed "I think I'm rambling call me when you wake up. Love you!"

I called him back. He picked up and I said "hey babe!" I heard, "you are talking to the queen I am not your babe!" Louis said. I laughed and said "can I speak to Harry?" Louis replied "Ohhhh, Sadie you want to speak to Harry" I hear Harry in the background yell "Louis give me the phone!" Then it sounded like wrestling was happening and then "hey baby" Harry said. I smiled at the sound of his voice "Hey Harry" he asked me how my day was and we talked for about thirty minutes until my dad knocked on my door. I opened up and he and my stepmom were standing with there bags. I looked at them oddly and said "what's going on," they said "we are going home. You are gonna go to your moms, and we are gonna go back to the house" I nodded something was up, but i wasn't sure what. I told Mady so we could pack our things. I didn't mind, I wanted to see my mom anyway. We packed and put our things in the car to leave.

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