Chapter 11

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I got into the van and sat next to Liam I sat in the middle of the seat so that Harry could sit next to me. Harry was putting our things in the back of the cam when Liam said to me "Thank you Sadie, you have made Harry so happy. I'm not sure how he will deal with having to leave, but I promise that I will keep an eye on him." I smiled "Thanks Liam, that really means a lot to me. Harry really does make me the happiest girl in the world. Also, I am hoping to visit all of you before I have to go back to school!"

Harry climbed into the van and sat next to me placing his hand on my knee. I looked up to him and couldn't believe this was happening, it was all so unreal. I was a directioner so of course I had read fan fiction, but I never would have though something like this could have ever happened to me! I hadn't realized how tired I was until I laid my head on Harry's chest and quickly fell asleep.

The next thing I knew Harry was waking me up. He lightly nudged my shoulder and said "Babe, you have to wake up. We are back at the hotel, the boys went up already, and there are people waiting to take pictures." I looked up at him and groaned. I was so tired and did not want to move. He lifted my head with his hands and said "Come on baby, if you sit up and let me get out of the van I will carry you to the room." I smiled and sat up so he could stand.

We both got out of the can and Harry crouched a little bit. He told me to hop on his back and I did. He grabbed my thighs as I jumped and held them, I put my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder as I tried to hide from the flashing lights. There was also a lot of yelling one person yelled "Harry is this your new girlfriend!?" Harry stopped and turned towards the camera, turned his head so that he could see me and smiled as he said "Yes! This is Sadie, my girlfriend! But as you can see she is quite tired, so I must take her to bed now!" With that he turned and walked us into the hotel and to the elevator.

He put me down and pressed his floor number once we were in the elevator. We were the only two in the elevator, and I decided to take advantage of the time alone. I moved towards him and put his hands on my neck, and pulled him down for a kiss. It was slow and sweet, he swiped his tongue across my lips and I opened my mouth. He kissed me lovingly, but I wanted to intensify things a bit, so I kissed him harder and a tad bit faster. Harry took advantage of that and pushed me against the side of the elevator wall. He moved his head to my neck and slowly began to suck and kiss on my neck making me moan. The doors opened but Harry didn't stop, "Harry. The. Doors" I managed to get out. He looked up and hit the close doors button on the elevator, then whispered in my ear "We aren't finished yet." He moved closer to me and put his lips back to my neck. He lightly bit the area he had been sucking on and made me gasp and let out a quiet moan. He began to lift my shirt. I grabbed his hands and said "I'm sorry Harry, I just can't." He looked at me apologetically and said "I understand love, I don't want to make you do anything that you aren't ready for." I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips.

We walked out of the elevator and into his room. Everyone was sitting up in the living room talking, they all looked up as we walked in. "Where have you two been?" Zayn questioned us. "You were like twenty minutes later than us!" Louis looked at me and said "we'll according to Sadie's neck the two of them had a bit of fun!" My eyes widened in shock and ran to the bathroom inside of Harry's bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a hickey right where Harry had focused his attention in the elevator. I stared at it in shock as I felt Harry behind me and wrap his arms around my face. He kissed the area than turned me to face him and said "I am sorry, I just got a bit carried away."

I giggled and said "it's okay babe, but I need to go get clothes to sleep in." Harry walked into his room and came back with a t-shirt and sweat pants and said "here babe, you can wear my clothes." I blushed and said "okay" I waited for Harry to leave but he just stood in front of me. I looked at him and said "Harry go! I need to change!!" He laughed and said "I don't mind watching!" I shoved him playfully and said "Harry!!! No!!" He huffed and walked out like a little kid that had been told he couldn't get a toy at the store. I closed the door once he walked out and changed. When I opened the door Harry wasn't there. I figured he had gone back to the living room with the other guys. I walked to the living room and found him sitting on the couch next to Liam. All he could say was "wow" once he saw me, I looked around but all the places on the couches were taken. Harry motioned for me to sit on his lap and I did.

I sat on Harry's lap and everyone had a group conversation about all of the things that were happening. I felt bad when Niall said "I feel like everyone is settling down, and yet no one loves me." I looked at him and said "Niall that's not true, you just haven't met her yet. I promise you that she is out there." She just hasn't been able to find you yet." He smiled and said "Thanks Sadie, but I think I'm going to head to bed guys" Zayn and Mady decided to go to bed as well, leaving just Liam, Louis, Harry and me up. Harry put his head on my shoulder and said "Thanks babe, none of us guys would have known how to handle that, you truly are amazing." I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, I started to get up since there were more spots open now. Harry grabbed my waist and said "you aren't going anywhere. I like this to much!" I smiled. Louis yelled get a room! I laughed and Harry said "that can be done." We heard a phone go off and Liam picked up his phone and said "Dani is calling me, I'm gonna turn in, night guys." We all replied night in unison. As Liam walked away and picked up his phone I heard him say "Hey Dani! I miss you soo much. There is a lot going on with us, how are you!" I smiled thinking of what Harry and mine conversations would become. Louis stood up and said "goodnight, the queen needs her beauty sleep!" I laughed and said "good night Louis!" Harry said "goodnight Lou!" Finally Harry and I were alone.

I turned in Harry's lap so I was facing him and decided to kiss him. He opened my mouth with his tongue. For the second time I was making out with him. He stood up still holding me and walked to his room, I felt my nerves begin to grow as he laid me down on the bed. He separated are lips and walked to the other side of the bed and stripped down to his boxers. I was so nervous and I think he could tell. He climbed into the bed and cuddled up to me. I looked at him confused and he said "go to sleep babe, we aren't going to do this right now, I know you aren't ready and I am not pressuring you." I smiled and placed my hands on his chest. Tomorrow he would leave. And I would have to go back to reality.

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