Across The Shores

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Boss POV

I am Boss . Alpha wolf to my clan The Blue Moon Pack. My Dad and Mom were killed by rouge wolf in an ambush so i an very wary of unknown wolfs . I was raised by the elders of my pack . I am an Alpha in training one day i will be incharge of this pack and everyone in it.

The responsibility lies heavy on my shoulders i must make everyone specially my parents proud.

My wolf's name is Payu , he and i have a crazy relationship , he is completely opposite of me .He is sensible, reliable and terrorizing. I can feel his power in my mind. I havnt phased yet i am just 15 we phase at 19 in my pack some as late as 20 but when we do there is no one like us. We are bigger than the average werewolf. We tower over trees in our wolf form at times , our wolf's can increase their sizes based on the need of the hour . The higher the danger , taller the wolf. The only way to kill us is by surprise as it doesnt give our wolf enough response time. That's what happened with my parents. But it shall never happen to anyone again my Grandfather is the current Alpha . Alpha Korn is waiting for me to take over so that he can retire.

My pack is small but strong we have various alliances with surrounding packs hence we are not really threatened . We have lots of Schools , Colleges, Garages, Architectural firms , Real estate, Factories.... you name it we have it . Money is what keeps us so strong , we help and give business to a lot of people hence our connections only grow. 

My beta is Fort his wolf Prapai and me and my wolf Payu are best friends . We were raised together in the pack house and have been training to take over the pack . Fort is excellent at business he can single handedly run the whole operation and i command the loyalty of all the members . I am the strongest , fastest, tallest amongst my pack. I am incharge of training the members and dealing with pack matters outside our territories. Our allies have acknowledged my claim as alpha although i am yet to phase and take over. But i can feel it in my bones i am born for a purpose.

I keep having strange dreams since the age of 10 . I see a silver wolf with green eyes looking at me . I feel a pull towards that wolf so strong that often i sleepwalk till the edge of our territory. I need to find that wolf . Everytime i have the dream i feel the wolf is getting stronger but it needs me to realize the full extent of its power. I must go to that wolf .

The wolf has green mesmerizing eyes , silver fur that gleams in the moonlight as if it was made of a million stars with a black nose . Oh gawd ! I want to go to it so bad i keep extending my arms towards it to touch it but it keeps walking further away from me.

Boss " Fort , i must tell the elders."

Fort " Are you sure dude."

Boss "  I cant sleep tied to my bed every night ."

Fort " Ok , you wanna me to go with you ."

Boss "No i think i need to do this myself."

I walked towards my grandfather's office . He and a few elders were sitting and talking 

Korn " Boss i am in the middle of a meeting with the elders . Is this important ."

Boss " Yeah i think you all need to hear this ." I rubbed my neck nervously.

I told them about the dream of the silver wolf and the effect that it has been having on my sleep .

Korn " You should have told us sooner son ."

Boss " Grandfather , sorry Alpha Korn a i going to be ok ?" I was worried since the elders were not talking they just stared at each other . I guess they were mindliking with eachother to discuss my state since i hadn't phased yet i couldnt tap into their link .

Korn " Boss , are you sure its a silver wolf ?"

Boss " Yes."

Korn " Dont think too much about it son, silver wolfs are rare mystical creatures , they are practically extinct. Their whole clan perished for some reason . Its just a dream ."

Boss " No grandfather i need to find that wolf , Payu has been stirring since i had that dream ."

Korn " We will know more once you phase and can link with Payu better . For now just try to distract yourself . Thinking too much about this may effect you wolf adversely."

I nodded i wanst happy with the response i got from them but i dint have much of a choice.

Fort " What did they say ."

Boss " I think too much ."

Fort laughing and rolling on the floor " No one has ever accused you of thinking, that would require using your brain ."

I tackled my cheeky best friend to the floor and we wrestled for a bit before i he finally surrendered and promised not to make fun of me .

I laughed and calmed down . Maybe when the time is right i will have all my answers. Right now i will just live in the moment.

Today is my 19th Birthday i get to finally meet my other half Payu.

My grandfather has arranged for a grand ceremony everyone who is anyone is attending . I have finished my alpha training and Fort has finished his beta training he phased a few months ago Prapai is beautiful Brown , Tall , Strong with ripping muscles.

Today i meet Payu . I am nervous and excited this mixture of emotions is throwing me in a tizzy.

 All the elders blessed me and we went to our temple of the Moon Goddess .

I was crouched on all my fours , i was asked to envision Payu.

I called him in my mind " Payu its time to come out buddy lets meet and be great together."

Payu " Boss i have been with you since many moons watching every move , i accept your invitation ."

I smiled and then saw Payu walking towards me . He was Jet Black with snarling teeth , a graceful gait , tall as a tree, muscular . He commanded authority .

I called his name out " Payu " and jumped in the air , i phased mid air which is difficult for even the most experienced werewolf's to do . I felt my bones cracking and Payu finally came out and dropped on all fours with grace . He stood tall and howled . Everyone including my grandfather bowed down to the new Alpha. Payu gracefully bowed back accepting his pack and allies .

Payu and i felt one and we took off for a sprint. Payu was fast so fast that people dint notice when he ran towards the jungle it felt like lightning. 

Boss " Payu you are grand buddy ."

Payu " I will keep you safe Boss . I am always here for you ." I felt invincible .

Prapai ran behind me , trying to match my speed but i was faster i slowed down just a bit to look at my best friend i could feel him smiling at me we ran till the edge of our territory and i howled into the night facing the full moon accepting my life and thanking the moon goddess for blessing me with Payu. At that moment i felt complete.

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