The War 2

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Pete's ears perked " They have started infiltrating the borders ."

Noeul rushed to the big glass window and looked out he saw many wolf's rushing in different directions .

He saw Payu howling and charging with Prapai . Rain howled for his mate " I want to come with you .

Payu " You need to be safe . I will come back to you ." The mindlink was cut .

Noeul " I can help , please lets follow them . "

Pete" i think we should stay . Fort has cut his mindlink too . I think its dangerous there."

Rain wimpered and pleaded Noeul to help his mate. Noeul sat on the bed and focused . 

Noeul " Rain i need you to help me ."

Rain " What do you need ."

Noeul " I am going to help them but i need more power , will you be able to channalize it ?"

Rain " It will drain a lot out of me and we will be vulnerable for sometime after you stop. Are you willing to take that chance."

Noeul " Anything for our mate's safety."

Noeul " Pete i am going to need you to make sure no one comes near me i cant be disturbed , i am going to use my powers. "

Pete " Noeul you dont know what it might do to you . Please dont."

Noeul " I must for our family ."

Pete nodded " I will keep you safe ."

Noeul closed his eyes and through his power wandered towards the battlefield. He saw Boss and Fort fighting bravely .

Ple Boss's warrior friend was injured , a rougue had her neck in his snout and was wringging her . Noeul broke that rougues backbone with a flick if his head. Ple was free , injured but free.

Boss to fort through mindllink " what was that ?"

Fort " Your mate "

Boss snarled at the rougue enemy pack and charged again , Noeul kept flinging the rougues away from Boss and his fighters. Most of the pack was injured and the stream of rougues seemed endless . Inspite of Boss and his pack towering over the rougue size their sheer numbers were taking a toll . 

Noeul took a deep breath and started swinging the bodies of the rougues at the oncoming rougues who scattered .

While Boss and his pack was defending the borders , a small pack of rougues had entered the city and were nearing the pack house . Pete sensed the same and mindlinked Fort alerting him . Fort headed back alone towards the packhouse to protect Noeul and Pete .

Fort reached the gate the same time the rougues did , he immediately recognised them this was Top and his pack.

They all attacked Fort at the same time , Fort was outnumbered and was badly injured , seeing this Pete howled and headed towards his mate .

Noeul and Boss were still fighting the roiugues at the border with the rest of the pack .

The fight was getting intense the rougues number was depleting and Boss took this chance to head back to the packhouse he could sense danger there.

Fort and Pete were fighting the pack , Fort already injured from the fight at the border was still making it hard for the pack to get through Pete was at his side . 

Suddenly he felt a sharp object being rammed into his stomach , Top had phased into a human and attacked Fort with wolf's bane and a silver knife . 

Fort fell and his eyes immediately went blank . Seeing his mate fall Pete let out a bone chilling howl. He charged towards Top who had phased into his wolf form only to be tackled and pulled apart by his pack . As pete was dying he reached out to his mate and nuzzled his snout . They both lay dead at the gate .

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