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Boss left that day when he saw Noeul was ok , he dint want to ask , he did not want to know he just undersatood that Noeul was going through Hell and back because Boss decided to show up in his life . Boss kept thinking what a cruel joke the Moon goddess had played on him , he was given everything but he couldnt have it . His mate , his happiness was in front of him but the minute he came close to haolding it all , all hell broke loose.

It was tearing Boss's soul in peices that he wanst next to his mate , he made sure that Fort assisted Noeul and his family in the hospital. Noeul's father was on the mend they had moved back to their relatives place but since Fort and Pete were inseperable Boss kept getting insight on Noeul.

Since the time Boss had left the hospital Noeul did not have any side effect's No pain in his head , No spasm's. Fort had told Boss that Noeul saw something which felt like a dream but real . Boss did not want to know what hell he was putting Noeul through. 

Boss " Let me know if they need anything . I will try to keep my distance."

Fort " Boss that is not the solution . You are mates you are suppose to be together."

Boss " How am i suppose to be with him if my being with him hurts him?"

Boss paced running his fingers in his apple bun , he was frustrated and angry .

Boss " You know what its like to have a mate. You feel the pull towards Pete . I feel like i have been gutted , i cant eat , i cant sleep , i cant focus , Payu has been in the slump refusing not be depressed as i have this effect on Noeul. I cant keep my hands off him i wasnt to no i need to touch him , hold him , love him , protect him. Thats why i need to stay the fuck away from him coz god help me if i dont kiss him when i see him next i will smash everything." Boss let out a growl so deep the whole room vibrated. 

Boss's outburst shocked Fort he was expecting it sooner but the sheer extent of his pain was felt by his Beta at that moment, since Boss met Noeul Fort was proud of how well Boss handled the situation . Fort sympathized with Boss keeping away from your mate was painful at a soul level . Fort patted Boss whose head was hung and placed between his hands almost bowing .

Noeul had not been to happy either when we snapped out of his vision he saw Boss leaving but the experience had drained him and hence he was in no mindset to deal with his mate he needed to get a grip on himself first.

The following day Noeul's father regained his consciousness and was on the mend so the doctor's allowed them to go back to their uncle's house . Noeul looked after his father and tried to act normal but he had a sense of sadness looming within him Rain had disappeared he wanst talking to Noeul at all he could feel the sadness that he felt on not being able to be near his mate.

Noeul's father asked Noeul to come to him for a father son chat . 

Dad " Son! you seem sad ."

Noeul " I was scared because of your accident ."

Dad " I am sorry you dint phase but we did expect it . You know you will only gain all your powers once you embrace your Mate."

Noeul was shocked .

Dad  " Do you remember the boon bestowed on you by the goddess ?"

Noeul started thinking " Oh ! yes " Thanks to his eidetic memory he remembered.

Noeul " Dad i understand now ."

Dad " What son ?  "

Noeul " Dad i am going to meet my Mate ."

Noeul's Da was shocked by the sudden revelation .

Dad " You found him ?"

Noeul smiles " I will get him to meet you soon Dad . Right now i need to go to him ."

Noeul ran to find Pete he called him on his phone as he couldnt mind link .

Noeul " Pete where are you ?"

Pete " With Fort in the front garden ."

Noeul cut the call and ran towards the garden . he looked at Pete and Fort .

Noeul " Fort take me to Boss ."

Fort " Heyy lil buddy ! I dont think thats a good idea . He is keeping his distance for your sake. Please dont torture him . He will rip himself apart if he cant hold you and he cant because of all there effects he has on you"

Noeul " Fort please i need to go to him NOW."

Noeul looked at Pete who looked at Fort with pleading eyes . Fort shook his head " fine let me bring the car out front ."

Pete holds Noeul's hands in his " Are you sure you want to do this ." 

Noeul " More than anything else i have ever wanted before. I need to close this distance between us before i loose myself and him."

Pete " we will drop you on our way to the movies call me if u need us . will you be able to manage on your own?"

Noeul " We will be just fine ." He could feel Rain " Thanks Noeul "

Noeul smiled and got ready to meet his love of a lifetime.

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