True Mates

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Noeul's mind was in a tizzy he had to meet Boss and explain to him in person how he truly felt. He hadnt been able to realize what was happening with him . He had no more patience left . He had decided that today was the day when he took control of his crazy life and it started with his mate.

Noeul was determined to go to his mate and tell him the whole truth. If Boss accepted him and they would seal the mating bond today . He couldnt wait any longer . He was so happy to realize that Boss was not the reason for his pain he was the way to manifestation of his powers that were granted by the moon goddess. Boss was the answer to all his questions and prayers. If Boss accepted him he would never let him go.

Fort stopped the car at a small house " This is you Noeul, this is Boss's house . He lives here alone and has been cooped up here since that day at the hospital."

Noeul got out of the car and looked at Pete " I will be fine you guys can leave . Have a good time ."

Pete " Are you sure you dont want us to come along you know if things get defficult."

Noeul smiled looked at his cusion and gently said " I am meeting my mate , he will take care of me."

Pete smiled and waved as he and Fort left.

Fort had mind linked his Alpha when Noeul said he wanted to meet his mate. Boss was in a tizzy he wasnt prepared for this . He smelled Noeul . He is here . Boss went into full panic mode. He could see Noeul walking up his driveway and he ran down to see him entering the house from the main gate .

Noeul " Hi"

Boss " Hi "

It was awkward , Boss did not know what to do and Noeul was inching closer to him . Boss took a few steps back to put some distance between them but Noeul was determined Boss finally asked Noeul to sit on the sofa and he sat opposite him trying his level best not to get any closer to him than was acceptable to Noeul.

Boss " Hi i am sorry i put you through so much pain ."

Noeul " Bosss can i please talk to you first."

Boss " I am listening ."

Noeul " Boss ask Payu to draw Rain out is it safe to phase here?"

Boss " Yeah lets go out the back , there is a forest that extends behind so no one will see us."

They walked outside . Boss was puzzled by this abrupt request but he was ready to do anything for his mate. 

Boss " You havnt phased yet are you sure its ok i mean you have a lot going with the headaches and fainting ."

Noeul " I have you i will be fine ."

The sheer confidence of Noeul in Boss made his chest expand . He urged Payu to help .

Boss phased into Payu , Payu was a big black wolf he kept his size to the minimum as he did not want to startle his mate .

Payu to Rain " Its time love come out ."

Rain " Payu is that you ."

Payu " You must help Noeul , Rain he cant do this alone ."

Rain " Will you accept me as your mate ."

Payu " I already have , i am here for you come out love . I will protect you and Noeul ."

Rain struggled for a bit . Noeul was sweating and trying to phase on all his four's . Boss was concerned why was this so hard for Noeul.

Payu walked up to Noeul , who looked up and saw Boss's eyes staring down at him , Payu gently touched his nose to Noeul and suddenly Noeul's body started phasing and out came the most magnificent Silver wolf with gleaming pelt . Boss eyes widened with surprise . Payu smiled and stood gracefully as his mate took his form and stood before him .

Rain was beautiful , silver gleaming pelt with Blue and Black , raincloud like eyes . He was not as tall as Payu but was still a seemingly large , lean wolf.

Rain bent and let his alpha claim dominance over him Payu , put his snout on Rain's snout and embraced him as an equal. Rain and Payu then decided to go for a run. Boss was so happy that as Payu he was not hurting Noeul. He was relieved . They ran together through the forest like equal's . Rain was finally out he was so strong , powerful and seem to be discovering himself with the help of his mate Payu. They raced to the edge of the forest and back . Rain nestled on the ground resting after the run Payu sat next to him covering him completly with his massive size and snuggled next to him.

Noeul to Rain "You are beautiful Rain thank you for finally coming out."

Rain " Noeul you will discover more about us now that we are together things wont be as bad as they seem, i know you have had trouble connecting to Boss i am here to help . I will try to keep your powers at bay."

Noeul " Powers ? What powers?"

Rain " Noeul , we are special in more ways than one. We together are one of the most power being that the Moon Goddess has created."

Rain " You have telekinetic powers , you can tap into mindlinks , you can move things with your mind, you can take over the minds of wolf's and will them into doing your bidding . But with great powers come greater responsibility. Your mate and mine are the key to our power without them we will not be able to control or manifest this power."

Noeul " I am scared Rain , i dont want all this i just want to be with my mate ."

Rain " We will be fine Noeul , just stay with your mate and find your way ."

Noeul hugged his wolf " I am with you now and forever" 

Rain morphed back to Noeul and Payu morphed back to Boss. They were both exposed as when they transformed as they had ripped all their clothes at the time of phasing. Boss ran and gave Noeul a Tshirt while he put on the joggers trying to avoid any eye contact as he wasnt very good with control . The t-shirt hung to middle of Noeul's thigh's . Boss could feel his arousal . He couldn't take his eyes off Noeul's delicious body . He tore his gaze away mentally scolding himself for loosing it.

Boss " I will get you some pants ." Boss ran into the house bare chested .

 Noeul felt shivers down his spine when he saw Boss's bare chest, he felt something warm at his southern regions. He gripped Boss's Tshirt and sniffed his mates sent Musky, Woody and earthy aroma's filled his nostrils and his brain . He wanted Boss with his entire Being he wanted Boss. He followed Boss into the house and in his room where the man was rummaging through his clothes trying to find some shorts for Noeul.

Noeul grabbed Boss by his arm to turn him around looked deeply into his eyes and kissed him softly on the lips . The kiss was so soft that Boss's brain melted into a puddle, he felt his chest clench with the ever so slight contact of their lips . He had not expected Noeul to take the initiative . 

Boss pulled Noeul's forehead to his own breathing in deeply the sent of his mate . He asked gently " Are you in Pain ." Noeul Shook his head in denial . Boss lifted Noeul's face gently by the chin till they were face to face nose touching gently, he grazed his index finger on Noeul's bottom lip feeling its softness . They were breathing in each others Pheromones which was causing them to begin their Heat. 

Noeul caught Boss's nape and slammed his face in for a fierce kiss biting Boss's lower lip. Noeul looked up for some air and said " I love you ." Boss who had been holding back lost the remaining control that he was clutching on to and grabbed the sides of Noeul's face he said " I love you more " and pulled him back in for a passionate kiss biting his lips exploring the corners of his mouth while Noeul was clutching on to his waist for dear life as he could feel his legs buckling under due to sheer excitement . 

Boss prodded Noeul's lips to give him access to his mouth and Noeul's gladly opened his mouth to let Boss explore with his tongue. Boss swiped his tongue hungrily into Noeul's mouth tasting every delicious crevice of his mouth. Noeul responded to the kiss with equal passion and hunger .They kissed of a long time till their lips were swollen . They broke the kiss to look at eachother with hunger in their eyes . 

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