Mate or Not my Mate

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Boss's POV

I was ready to meet the love of my life. I was walking with confidence but nervousness was brimming from my gut. My wolf Payu was ecstatic to be able to connect with Rain again . I could feel him howling with glee.

I entered the room assigned to him and his father for their recovery . It was a suite with two rooms . I entered his room as he was exiting the toilet. I looked at him and my heart skipped a beat . His perfect face and full, plump and juicy lips i could not tear my eyes off him. I took a sharp breath and approached him with caution. 

I walked towards him and stood . I wanted to consume him. I wanted every ich of him to be mine and only mine . I wanted to brand him , mark him and keep him safe in my arms forever. I could not think straight he smelled so nice , intoxicating and savory. I licked my lips just a little and bit the lower half of my lipa thinking about how delicious he is . I reached out and touched his forearm and i saw him stumble back clutching his head. I wanted to reach out to him and  comfort him he looked visibly in pain but he extended his arm and asked me to not touch him.

My heart fell into the pit of my stomach . How am i to hold myself back? How can he torture me like this ? I need him . Does he not feel the same about me ? He stood for a few moments and then with accusing eyes he said " Its You." I did not quite understand what i did wrong .

I just wanted to get to know him , i felt the need to be close to him . Being mates meant that we needed top connect . I was feeling a sharp pain in my heart as i saw him look at me with such ruthlessness. 

Boss " I am sorry did i hurt you ?"

Noeul " Sorry ! No I hmm.. I dont quite know what to say ." He looked embarrassed. He blushed a new shade of pink . My eyes dilated and a need to kiss him was overtaking me. I shook my head to stop myself. He was staring at me not saying a word before i let my mate instincts take over i quickly broke the ice .

Boss " Are you ok ? you looked like you were in pain. Does your head hurt ? Lemme get a doctor ."

I was about to head out when i felt his arm on my elbow and a little pull towards him . My heart jumped with joy . He wants me too. I turned smiling hoping to be holding him in my arms.

I saw him clutching the side of his head , he looked in pain .

Boss " Noeul ! Whats happening to you ?"

I gathered his slumping body in my arms a wave of alarm overtook me . What was happening to my mate. He fainted again.

Noeuls POV

As soon as i saw him feeling so sad after my abrupt accusation . I felt a wave of guilt hit me . He was only trying to get closer to me i did not quite feel the same as i liked my personal space but i did want to check something .

I was lost in thought as i saw him walking away .

I needed to know is it only when i touch him that i start hearing voices in my head ? I needed proof to come to a conclusion . Before he could walk away i quickly pulled him towards me with his elbow. 

The minute our bodies came in contact i felt a sharp pain in my head and the voices all came back and it was so overwhelming that i do not know when i lost my consciousness.

Third Person's POV

Suddenly the room in which Noeul was staying was swarmed with nurses and doctors .

Boss was pacing restlessly . Looking at the unconscious boy who held his heart . He was so worried that he snaped at everyone who touched his mate.

Fort and Pete came in holding hands and saw the scene before them 

Pete " Oh God Noeul." Pete ran towards his unconscious friend.

Fort let go of his mate's hand and went to stand near his Alpha , he could feel the anger radiating out of Boss.

Fort " Hey Buddy , you ok? What happened here ?"

Boss looked at his friend with worry briming his eyes in a broken voice " Fort he was in so much pain he fainted . I want him back why isnt he waking up ."

He focused his anger on the doctors who were trying to inderstand the reason for Noeul's condition 

Boss " These idots know NOTHING... DONT JUST STAND AROUND DO SOMETHING . MAKE HIM BETTER OR I WILL TEAR THIS HOSPITAL DOWN BRICK BY BRICK." A sharp growl emmitted from his chest which scared all the staff members in the room.

Fort " Sorry he is just worried . Hey buddy why dont we step out and give them some time to assess Noeuls condition . Pete my mate is here he will take good care of Noeul why dont we just step out."

Fort tried to lead Boss out of the room 

Boss " Fort bussy take your hand off or i will rip it off you ." 

Pete snarled at Boss when he heard him threatening his mate. Fort immediately grabbed Boss and lead him out of the room.

Fort looked at Pete " Babe we will be fine , just stepping out for fresh air."

Pete who was already on the edge as his friend was unconscious looked reassuringly at his mate and nodded 

Fort " Look Boss i understand you are upset and concerned for your mate but this yelling and anger is putting people on the edge you want the doctors and staff to do whats best for Noeul then please give them some space."

Boss hung his head , defeated and worried " I am sorry buddy i just cant see him go through this . Its tearing me apart . I dont know what to do . I feel so helpless."

Boss slammed his fist in the wall and made a big hole. Fort hung his head and hugged his friend " Its gonna be ok Buddy ." They stood outside waiting for the doctor's to tell them whats happening .

Suddenly Pete came out looked at both of them and smiled " He is awake."

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