The End

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It had been 2 months since Noeul had come out of his coma and Boss had devoted himself completely to Noeul's needs . They moved back to Boss's place and started living normally . Noeul's parents had come for a visit.

Noeul's mother " The ceremony was beautiful . Boss as the new alpha and my little baby as the Luna and Boss's mate."

Noeul " Mom ! thats embarrassing i am a Luna stop calling me little."

Boss laughed " But you are so little ." He kissed Noeul's nose and walked to wards his in law's.

Noeul lifted a cushion with his powers and smacked Boss in the face. Everyone laughed .

Noeul's Dad " Son dont use your powers carelessly. You need to harness this power and not let it get the best of you and do NOT expose yourself to others ."

Noeul " Fine Dad i will be Superman."

Noeul's Dad " Superman ?"

Boss laughed " That is a superhero who disguises himself to hide his real identity and fights crime . He wears a underwear over his tights"

Everyone laughed, this time Boss was awarded with 2 hits of the cushion . 

After a few weeks .

Noeul " I feel uneasy ."

Boss " You shouldnt have stuffed that last dumpling down yout throat , just because it was there." he smirked 

Noeul " No thats not it , I.. I " He ran towards the bathroom and vomited . Boss ran behind him and held his mate . Boss had a worried look on his face. Noeul looked at him and smiled " I am fine."

Boss cleaned Noeul up and then picked him princess style took him to the bed . Boss "Maybe it was because of your recent heat . I did over do You ." He winked at Noeul who blushed crimson. 

Noeul " Stop it . Thank god my heat started after my parents left ." 

Noeul closed his eyes to rest . 

Rain" Noeul ." He was beaming with happiness.

Noeul " Rain ." Rain had 2 pup's at his tail .

 Noeul " Who are they ?" He petted them gently .

Rain "They are our Pup's" . Noeul looked at him with shock . He looked at the Pup's in his lap one of them was Grey with Back tips on his front paws . The other was Black with silver on his chest . They looked like the perfect mix of Payu and Rain. Rain nuzzled them protectively.

 Rain " We are going to have twin's."

Noeul woke up in shock he darted in himself in a sitting position and placed a hand on his stomach . Boss also sat up sacred Noeul was unwell . 

Boss " Baby , what is it . Is it another vision ?"

 Noeul " You are gonna be a father ." 

Boss's eye lit up " Really Baby ?" 

Noeul smiled looked at him " Twin Boys." 

Boss was besides himself . He hugged Noeul tightly " You will be a great Mom ."

Noeul smiled " They have powers just like me ." 

Boss looked worried " Will they be ok ?"

Noeul " They have us ." 

Both Hugged and laughed till tears streamed down their eyes.

A Few Years Later

Boss and the boys were wrestling in the backyard while Noeul was having his much deserved rest time . He looked at his loves with a smile on his face. They had named their son's after the wolf's of their best friends.

Prapai " Dad Sky Cheated ."

Boss " Now son play fair No cheating ."

Prapai stuck his tounge out to Sky 

Sky ran to Noeul " Mom Prapai is teasing me .I wont play with him ." He buried his face in Noeul's chest . 

Nouel " Its ok Baby ! why dont you have some chocolate milk and let your Dad and brother wrestle ." 

Sky smiled picked up his glass of milk and sat next to Noeul he cheered his Dad and Boo's his brother.

Noeul's heart was full. He realized that raising these  two was his purpose . 

Prapai was so much like Boss , born to be an Alpha . He had telekinetic powers.

Sky was more like Noeul , Beta wolf with kindness in his eyes . He had the power to look into the future with his visions.

Noeul knew raising special boys who had such special powers will not be easy but he hoped that with the blessing of the moon goddess his kids with realize their full potential and their purpose.

Boss was devoted father , a loving husband and a responsible alpha . Noeul was looking forward to living a happy life with them.

The End

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