The Heat

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Noeul rushed after Boss who was standing in his bedroom in front of his wardrobe leaning against it with his head down with his back towards the entrance to his room. Boss " Control yourself ", he was trying to convince himself and Payu to back Off. "He smells so delicious " He could sense Noeul's scent and was getting a hardon just thinking about him .

Suddenly Noeul Hugged Boss from back , Noeul's chest was pressed against Boss's Back and Boss could feel his arousal on the back of his thigh, this was driving him insane . With the last sting of restrain Boss asked Noeul " I want to Kiss you so bad and i wont stop once i start , If you dont want this to go any further please tell me NOW." He clenched his hand on the Cupboard he was close to ripping the door. Noeul said " I want to ask you do you accept me as your mate ? If yes i am yours..if No.." Before Noeul could finish the sentence Boss turned and put his face against Noeul's " Yes, I accept you and i hope you do the same ."

They stared into eachother's eyes Noeul brushed a stray strand of hair that had escaped Boss's apple bun and whispered " Yes." That made Boss loose control his mate was now his forever. He stroked the bottom lip with his thumb and saw Noeul shiver with pleasure at his touch Noeul bit his bottom lip as a reaction to the gentle touch and Boss placed a passionate kiss on his delicate lips . The kiss was soft and careful , full of love. There was so much affection in that kiss that a tear escaped from Noeul's eyes.

Noeul moved his mouth against Boss and soon the kiss turned rough Boss held on to Noeul's face with both his palms to deepen the kiss. Boss could smell the heat that Noeul's body was emitting and he could sense himself giving into that sensation .Noeul moaned and groaned in response to Boss's maneuver's .Boss sat on the bed with Noeul in his lap without breaking the kiss. The wet sounds of their kiss echoed in the room and they were breathless by the time they pulled away form eachother.

Boss " You are making it hard for me to control myself ." he then pulled Noeul back in for a kiss.

Noeul " You are making it hard for me too . Right now just let go ." I said that with such sureness that he was taken aback with my words.

Boss " Are you ready for more ." I said with a smirk.

Noeul " Are you ?" and smiled .

Boss's POV

" Let me show you ..." I pushed him down on the bed and hovered over him , his eyes widened . I smirked before carefully tearing the shirt away from his soft skin he was naked under me now I pulled off the remaining clothes that i had to hover over him in all my glory , he looked at my body and i asked " Like what you see. Its all yours now ." He blushed crimson and i smiled and explored his body with my hands my eyes not leaving his even for a second, his eyes widened further and a small gasp escaped his lips. I trailed kisses down his throat and chest as i latched onto the skin , leaving love bites all over his upper body .

I grabbed his ass and and kneaded it with my hands, turning him on even more . His hands were wrapped around my neck . I looked at him and sucked on two of my fingers he gasped at the sight of my actions . I kissed him and our tongues entwined as i was doing that i pushed one finger inside his ass . He whimpered in my mouth as i added the second finger and scissored them together. 

He spread his legs wider to give me more access and i pushed the third finger as i drowned his yelps in my Kisses . " Mmffffhhh---- Aggggg." He screamed as i found the spot that sent intense pleasure throughout his body .

Noeul's POV

"Found it " Boss whispered breathlessly and jammed the same spot over and over again . I was afraid that i would finish just from his finger's " I am close Boss " i whimpered against his neck. He slid his fingers out and i grabbed his large twitching member , and put it in my mouth . He groaned and shivered when i lapped the tip and inserted my tongue in the slit.

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