The Power

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I woke up to an empty bed . i did not raelise how realaxed i was in the bath as i had no recollection of falling asleep, my body had no strenght to get up. I rubbed my eyes and relaized that i was dressed in an oversize T shirt and shorts that smelled like Boss. I breathe in his heady smell and smiled thinking about our time together blushing crimson.

" Goodmorning Sunshine." I heard Boss call out from the door he was carrying a tray full of food . I was so hungry i licked my bottom lip unkowingly . He smiled and traced his thumb against my bottom lip and licked his thumb " Delicious " he said looking at me . 

" I need food right now ." He laughed as i started eating the sandwhiches and strawberry cake . " How did you know i liked strawberry cake ?" I asked him surprised . "I asked Pete. I needed to inform him that you would be with me for today and asked him to request for a meeting time with your father. I must meet my father in law at the earliest to stake my claim at what is mine." he kissed the top of my nose as i smiled at him blushing coyly.

He sat next to me with his hands wrapped around my waist " You are so tiny . I was scared i would break you ." He hugged me and nuzzled my nape breathing in deeply "you smell so great, i cant get enough of you ." I smiled and kept eating my food feeding him bites and leaning against his muscular chest.

" Noeul , Payu told me that you have some powers may i know what they are ?" Boss asked " Only if you wanna share , i mean he said i should help ."

I smiled at him " Boss you know i am special, you would need to help me realize my full potentail . Now that we have accpeted eachother . I need to explore my powers but i would need your help. " Boss looked at me he was nervous for me , i could feel him getting uneasy . I touched his cheek and leaned in to my palm " I will be fine love , i have you ." Boss looked at me with his eyes brimming " I dont know what to do Noeul , i want to help but i also want to keep you safe . I dont know if these powers are safe ." I looked at him lovingly and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips " I will be fine dont worry we will figure it out."

Boss took a deep breath and with confidence " Tell me where to start ." 

I laughed he was such a child sometimes " Ok so i have telekinetic powers , i can tap into mind links and move objects, If i keep practicing and harnessing my powers i van take over the minds of people ." Boss looked at me suspiciously " Are you sure you can do that ?" I finished the last bit of my sandwhich and closed my eyes , boss held my hands , i darted my eyes opened to see a worried Boss" Dont worry love i need Rain and me together in this ." I held on to his hands and focused.

 Rain " What do you want to do  Noeul ?" 

Noeul " I want to try using my powers "  

Rain smiled " I am here to help . Pull the power coursing from within me to you and command your mind ."

Noeul " I am trying."

Boss was looking at Noeul breathing calmly , he was worried . Suddenly all the objects in his room startred moving . He held on to Noeul's hands tighter in a protective grasp . Noeul opened his eyes they were Green . Boss was amazed " Rain is that you ." Noeul answered " Its both of us love . Rain is guiding my power." Noeul looked at the tray and it stated hovering over the bed . It moved from the bed and the door opened it flew out . Boss was agast at what he was witnessing he could not believe his eyes . Noeul closed his eyes again and opened them his eyes were back to the soft brown eyes Boss fell in love with . Boss hugged Noeul " Are you ok ?" Noeul smiled " I am fine. I kept the tray in the kitchen so you can rest here with me." Boss looked suspicuiously at Nouel " You havnt seen the house , how did you find the kitchen ?" Noeul laughed " My powers , i saw everything in the house including the photograph of you with a girl hugging ." He crossed his arms and looked at Boss" That is Ple , she is a close friedn promise , a warrior wolf in my pack ." He held up his hand like swearing it was nothing more .

Noeul smiled and hugged him tightly falling back on to the bed with Noeul on top of Boss . Noeul " This is my first relationship . I havnt been with anyone before ." 

Boss looked at him surprisingly " No one ?" Noeul shook his head. Boss " I had a few flings now and then but nothing close to what i feel for you ."

Boss " Noeul i want to mark you as my mate ." He traced the sensitive spot between the neck and the shoulders and Noeul shuddred with pleasure that was a sensitive spot ." Here i will mark you here."

Noeul got off of Boss and rubbed the area still feeling Boss's fingers lingering at the spot. Boss " But first lets go and meet your father and then go out on our first date."

Noeul smiled " Yes please ."

Noeul called Pete and asked him to get a few clothes from home . He and Fort reached Boss's house just as Boss and Noeul were coming down from Boss room upstairs.

Pete " Noeul , are you ok ?" He hugged Noeul while Boss still had his arms warpped around Noeul's waist posessively.

Fort mind linked with Boss " How was the fuck ?" Before Boss could reply Noeul  looked at Fort " It was great Thank you for asking." Fort was confused and he scrathed his head " Errrr... Did i say smething out loud ?" Noeul smirked " I tapped into your mindlink with Boss and heard what you said ." Fort's jaw dropped and Pete yelled in surprise " Your powers ? You can use them ?"

Noeul looked at Pete " Yes i phased withnthe help of Boss and am getting used to these powers i need Rain's help to streamline them but yeah i am learning to use them." Boss looked at his mate proudly " He was awesome ." He looked at Fort " Be careful about what you say even in your head , he can hear everything." He tapped Fort's shoulder and all four sat down on the couch.

Pete asked excitedly " What all can you do ?"

Noeul " Not much i mean i can move stuff."

Fort looked at Boss with a smirk on his face and mindlinked him " This litlle thing has powers i doubt it ?"

Noeul summoned a baseball bat from fort's car it flew right into Noeuls hand . Everyine jumped Boss jumped protrectvely towards Noeul and Fort jumped towards Pete and ended up sitting in his lap . They all looked at Noeul whose eyes were Moss Green and then suddenly they were brown Noeul looked at Fort " This little thing just proved he has powers ." Hesnarled at Fort who was too dumbstruck to answer .

Pete looked at Fort and scoleded him thhrough his mate linkl " Fort why did you agrevate Noeul , he cant be demonstrating his powers to everyone . What did you do ?" , Noeul looked at Pete  " Let him be Pete its ok i dont mind showing my powers to him ." Boss laughed .

Pete and Fort just looked at eachother. Pete " You have got to stop doing that ." Fort agreed " That was freaky but cool ." They all laughed . Noeul handed the baseball bat to Fort and was walking away to change . Boss looked at Noeul but Noeul answered " Down boy , i can manag this myself ." Boss " I dint say anything." Noeul turned back " You thought about it in your mind ." He walked away.

Boss looked at his friends " That wanst freaky at all ." They all laughed Fort " You are screwed Buddy even your thoughts he can hear ." Boss " I am not scared since he is the only one i think about . " Suddenly there was a vison in Boss's mind Noeul looking at him and calling him upstairs. "Excuse me i think i should change too . You guys head home we will catch up in my car." 

Boss reached him room Noeul was waiting for him , He xclaimed " Was that my imagination or did you put that in my head ." Noeul giggled " It was Me." Boss growled " That was sexy as hell." He leaped towards Noeul and pulled him in for a fierce kiss . 

After a few hours both Noeul and Boss headed towards Noeul's uncle's house to meet his dad .

Noeul " You definately broke something ." He patted his ass as he groaned in pain.

Boss " You started it , by sending me a sexy vision of you calling me upstirs , i just obliged ." He smirked and winked at his sexy mate. Who smiled back at him . 

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