Noeul's Korean Odessy

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Noeul's POV

I was 9 years old just a regular boy who came to visit his maternal grandparents village in Korea . They were a loving old couple who took good care of me and spoilt me with food, candy and stories.

I knew all my Gandma's stories by heart . I have an eidetic ( Genius Brain can remember every detail vividly and verbatim ) Memory . I can recite all her stories . Sometimes when i finish her stories she smiles at me and gives me Candy.

Gradma" Noeul please dont wander out in the forest ."

Noeul " Why Granny ??? I wanna know . Pleasseeee."

My big brown eyes with a puppy face was all it took for my grandma to give in and spill the beans.

"We are descendant of a The Grey Wolf clan, we were worshipped for our powers and beauty .We were gentle and kind , we helped people far and wide we were bestowed with respect by our fellow wolfs and the Moon Goddess bestowed her love on our clan.

One Day a rouge alpha from our clan killed a village of human's who refused to fulfill his wishes . This made the moon goddess very angry with our clan and she released her wrath on us " No mates shall you find , one day the clan will be gone with time ." 

The elders of the clan prayed for many moons but in vain and soon the true mates for their off springs were never found resulting in the clan being wiped off . A few that did find their mates waited many moons hence only a few Grey Wolfs are left in the world. "

I was amused and surprised at this revelation but dismissed the same as one of my Grandmother's list of fables . I asked her " What does that have to do with my going into the forest ?"

She looked at me fondly gently caressed my brown locks and smiled at me and said " somewhere in this deep forest is a temple of the moon goddess , she visit's that temple from time to time and today is a day of the full moon when the Moon goddess will visit the temple to acknowledge the penance and worship done by the remaining members of the Grey Wolf Clan. We must not disturb their prayers and offerings to the goddess."

I frowned and looked at her " I am just going to play near the house ."With that i bounced away on my Tricycle .

I was wandering near the edge of the forest , when i saw a white rabbit it was mesmerizing . I wanted to hold it so bad . I started to chase it . Without realizing i had started to go deep into the forbidden forest.

While chasing the rabbit i saw a lil white wolf with moss green eyes , it sat whimpering and alone . I was so moved by its beauty i went near it and picked him up. I saw a Moon temple place decorated with food and water so i decided to take the lil wolf there .I put some water near it along with some of the offerings " I hope you feel better soon ."

I was petting it when i heard a lady coming out of the temple .

Lady " Are you lost lil Pup ?"

I looked around and answered " No , i was just helping this lil wolf , i am sorry i took some food and water from the offerings ." I looked down guiltily.

The Lady smiled " Dont worry about that lil pup, i dont mind it at all. Your pure intentions will only earn you merit."

I smiled at the lady . She smiled back and caressed my hair and said " A mate i bless you with True and Pure . A mate who you would find across many shores , pup's and powers you shall have many once you find your mate . The curse on your clan lifted with my blessings many. If you dont find your mate by your 28th  your clan will perish without a trace.."

She kissed my forehead picked up the white wolf pup and went back inside the temple.

I tried to follow her but as i went in i saw her gone. I started walking out of the temple when i saw my parents heading in the direction of the temple . 

i screamed " Omma , Appa i am here ." They ran in my direction .

Mom " Why are you here and not with your grandma?" 

Dad " Are you ok son ?"

I smiled " I met a pretty lady in the temple ,  she kissed my forehead and said i will have a true mate and get pup's and power."

I saw my mothers eye widen and my father smile with joy . Did she say anything else.

I Thought hard " Yes some curse will be lifted after i find my mate by 28 else the clan will perish ."

They cried after hearing this and thanked the moon goddess for her kindness. I dint quite understand what was happening I was just happy to see my parents happy . i smiled and followed them back to the house.

Granny " Noeul you are blessed by the goddess , she will henceforth bring you love and luck embrace it."

I dint quite understand what the chaos was about but i saw several people coming and talking to my parents and looking at me . I was asked to repeat the words of the lady so many times that my head hurt.

Finally that day came to an end i slept in my bed looking at the full moon and sky full of star's not knowing what Storm awaits me in my future. 

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