The War

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Fort and pete were visiting Noeul and Boss at their place . 

Fort " Hey Boss coming to the race tonight ?"

Boss glared at him shooting darts with his eyes .

Noeul " What am i missing ?"

Pete smiled and sits in Fort's lap feeding him popcorn " Oh nothing they both race on an illegal ractrack for fun and money ." Fort and Pete kissed and ate popcorn out of eachothers mouths .

Noeul looked at Boss with one eyebrow raised and fists on his waste " Really Boss , you did not tell me you are an illegal race enthusiast ."

Boss rubbed his neck nervously " Baby No its not what you think i like fixing bikes i fix Fort's bikes , he is the one who races ." Pointing at Fort , who nodded proudly then went back to kissing Pete .

Noeul was visibly annoyed " oh Get a room you two ."

Fort "Well dont mind if we do ." He picked Pete up while kissing him deeply and walked towards the guestroom with Pete in his arms .

Boss shook his head and looked at Noeul who was now sitting on the couch with crossed arms and an annoyed look " Explain yourself mister."

Boss rushed towards Noeul and sat on the floor kneeling " Baby its just a race ." Noeul raising his eyebrow and cocking his head to the side " ANDDDDDDD..." 

Boss let out a sigh and said " Ok its illegal and dangerous , rogue wolf's come to compete sometimes in packs and sometimes  fights break out . But it is managed by the most feared pack of wolfs that also are the Mafia so no one messes with them until they are coveting death or worse. I am close friends with the Alpha of that Mafia Pakin . So no one messes with me . You see one of my garages looks after all the bikes that compete in the race . " Boss was very proud of his explanation thinking this will get him outta trouble.

Noeul " Ok so if this is that good and a major part of your life i should go too. We are going tonight." With that he got up to go to kitchen to clean up.

Boss was still on his knees on the floor unable to come up with any words " Hmmmm Babe i dont think we should go , you know you wont be safe ."

Noeul stopped what he was doing and walked towards Boss who towered over him while standing he tiptoed to give Boss a soft peck on the lips  " So you dont want me to go with you?"

Boss " No i mean Yes .. i want you safe ."

Noeul wrapped his arms around Boss's neck " You think i wont be safe with you " and kissed him gently again .

Boss was getting turned on and his mind was floating in the heady smell of his mate " Of course you are safe with me Babe." He bent down to deepen the kiss 

Noeul pulled away from him " Great its settled then . We are going ." and walked away from Boss leaving him shocked .

Boss " did u use your powers on me ?"

Noeul " No Daddy , this was the power of persuasion . I dont need my powers with you." Noeul said seductively.

Boss ran towards Noeul who giggle and ran towards their room " Come on Daddy , catch me if you can " and stuck his tongue out 

Boss " Oh !! You are gonna regret this ."  and followed  his mate upstairs to their room. These were screams and giggles that followed.

A little while later.

Fort " Boss i am ready to Go ." he snaked his arms around Pete and held him close kissing his claim mark on his neck.

Boss and Noeul came downstairs walking hand in hand, Noeul " I am surprised you guys have the energy to go ." He smiled looking at his friend .

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