The Meeting

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Noeuls POV

I am 18 today is the day i phase , today i shall meet Rain my wolf .

Mother " Noeul today is a very special day ."

Noeul " I Know mom i am gonna phase today , where is dad ? "

Mother " He is in Thailand just wrapping up his work at the factory dont worry he will be here by the time for your ceremony ." She kissed my forehead lightly.

I wish my grandma was alive ,  she died a few years back i miss her dearly she would have been so proud to see me phase today . All the elders of my clan are coming . They want to make sure that today's ceremony goes on flawlessly. I am so pleased to be surrounded by my pack .

We are a ver small pack consisting of only 6 white wolf's . My parents , the parents of my best friend Pete and Me and Pete .

Pete " I cant believe its your day to phase today ."

Pete had phased a few months ago his wolf Sky is white with grey eyes and tips of blue on his ears . He looked magnificent. 

Noeul " I cant wait to meet Rain , i can feel him stirring ."

Pete " You will be great dont worry  we will all be here to help ."

I was the time of the ceremony and no word from my father , my mom was worried but she couldnt push back the ceremony so she decided to carry on and dad can join as and when he lands back in Korea.

Mother " Noeul i want you to think of Rain , picture him in your head."

I crouched down on all my four's and tried to connect with Rain . Rain " I am here Noeul ". I smiled .

Noeul " Mom he spoke to me ."

Mother " What does he look like ."

I tried to focus again to picture him in my mind but he just wouldnt come . I called out " Rain let me see you ." Rain " I am trying but i just cant seem to ".

I stood disheartened , i could see the panic in my pack . I looked for my mother but she wasnt there . I could see her talking on the phone in the corner . Then i saw her slump on the floor Pete's parents ran to her and Pete rushed to my side .

Noeul " Mom are you ok ? What happened ?"

Mom " Your dad has had an accident." With that my mother fainted in my arms.

I put her on the bed and pete's mom who was my mothers best friend decided to stay over to help , pete's dad was busy arranging for my travel to Thailand , I had travelled before but with my dad never alone.

Pete " Rain dont worry your father will be fine ."

Noeul " I dint phase Pete. Why ?"

Pete " Dont worry once we settle things with your father we can try the ceremony again . You could feel Rain right ."

Noeul " I spoke to him he said he couldn't come out  i couldnt picture his form hence i couldnt transform ."

Pete looked worried . He patted my back " Lets deal with one thing at a time."

Pete's Dad arranged for me and Pete to travel to Thailand the next day . I was told maybe i am a late bloomer and we can try next year .

I pushed all that back in my mind and focused towards getting to my father.

Boss POV

I cant believe i have to go to the hospital . 

A few hours before.

I was walking down the street and i picked up a strange smell . I could not quite understand what it was it wasnt a werewolf as i would have understood . This smell was intoxicating , sweet like strawberry's and vanilla and roses i could not understand what or where it was coming from . I was floating towards it when i bumped into some thugs , just my luck 

Thug 1 " Watch where you are going Punk ."

I could hear Payu " Let me take care of them " A growl emitted from my chest a protective growl from Payu .

Thug 2 " What are you looking at Punk eyes down ."

I normally do not like to mess around with humans but these people were pushing my buttons . Fort was quickly at my side as he saw a smirk on my face that made him feel uneasy .

Fort " Lets drop it fellows . Lets go Boss ." He tried to pull me back from the confrontation . I had just about turned around when i felt something hard hittng the back of my head . Payu took over by the end of the entire episode they were near dead and i was badly bashed aswell . Fort was on the floor passed out . He opened his eyes and saw what was going on . 

Fort " Shit lets bounce Bro. "

Payu's fierce eyes looked back at him and s snarl left my mouth .

Fort " Easy Payu , lets get out of here Boss please lets GO."

I could hear the siren's. I quickly shifted and saw the damage Payu had done . Mental note Payu is badass . 

Fort saw my head which was bleeding a lot he took me to the nearest hospital.

Fort called my Garndfather who immediately started doing damage control and by the time we reached the hospital i saw the best surgeons waiting for me at the door i had almost stopped bleeding thanks to my werewolf healing. money can truly work wonders i shook my head as i went in.

Suddenly someone bumped past me to the reception i was barely pushed but my mind was reeling its that sent again i closed my eyes to breathe in the Strawberry, vanilla and roses . I opened my eyes and saw the most gorgeous man in front of me rushing towards the elevators to the emergency ward .

Payu jumped " MATE , MATE , MATE"

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