Meeting the Mate

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Noeul's POV

Me and Pete had reached Thailand although i had been here a few times . My father's family was from Thailand but since my mother was an alpha too and her pack needed her my father who was a warrior wolf left with my mother to help with her pack so i was half Korean and half Thai.

I could speak both languages along with English and Chinese thanks to my eidetic memory. Even though i was a genius i was lost . I was trying to locate the hospital my uncles were with my father . I was looking for directions when i barely brushed passed a bunch of goons . I heard commotion .

Pete " I think there is trouble."

Noeul " Lets walk faster i am sure the hospital is around here ."

Pete " I smell wolf's ." Sky became alert .

Noeul " Since Rain is not responding to me i still cant detect any wolf's ."

Pete " Stay close Sky will protect you ." 

I smiled at Pete he was a good friend. We walked towards the hospital but as i reached i saw a guy holding his head his shirt was full of blood , doctor's were standing at the door to receive him , must be someone important , I enter and walk past the guy almost bumping into him he moves away to avoid any contact with me . I dont see his face i keep walking straight ask for my father and head up the elevator . I could feel Rain stirring in me but right now the focus was Dad.

I walk into the room saw my uncle sitting,  he assured me that Dad was fine he just needed time to recover. Pete took my uncle out of the room and gave me some time with my dad,I held my Dad's hand he was unconscious. Tears dropped from my eyes  as i held his hand " Dad i am here now . everything will be just fine ." I could sense Rain was sad too he was howling in my head . " Stop it Rain ."

Just then i looked up and a the same injured man entered the room .

He was gorgeous i felt my chest tighten , Rain was howling in my head and jumping . I felt a sharp pain in my head and stumbled a little away from my dad suddenly i was in the arms of this man he held me tightly and looked into my eyes his gorgeous almond shaped eyes , they were breathtaking i could feel him looking into my soul . I felt his wolf talk " MATE."

Rain jumped with joy and connected with his wolf. The pain in my head got worse . I could hear everything , everyone , even my father . It was too much for me i fainted in his arms. 

Boss POV

I could hear Payu screaming with joy in my head " Mate , Mate , Mate ."

I was quite popular with the ladies , i had my fair shares of affairs but i never felt this pull with anyone before that too a man . 

Fort " lets go Boss , they need to check your head . Then we need to go straight to the pack house ." 

I knew Fort was talking but i was in a daze i wanted to follow that sent , look at that man, fell him in my arms , i needed to have him , possess him , own him , lock him away from everyone . I felt s strange wave of possessiveness , love , protectiveness towards this man.

I ran towards the elevator but he was gone .

I went to the front desk " Which floor did that man go to , room number NOW."

I scared the living shit out of the lady at the counter she fumbled and started telling me she couldn't share details of patients . I growled at her , a deep threatening growl . Fort rushed towards me " HI gorgeous , We won this hospital." She looked at the Dean of the hospital he nodded she quickly handed me all the details.

I ran like a mad man with Fort hot on my heels. I climbed 5 stairs at once , Payu was driving me insane i was running in the hallway as soon as i reached the right floor i stopped at sniffed the air and turned towards the room i knew that man was in . 

I opened the door and saw him holding a much older man's hand , I was jealous , angry , upset i wanted him all to myself . I saw him stumble i rushed to his side i held his hand and grabbed him by the waist . He was leaning against me , looking into my eyes . His eyes , his nose and then his lips i was transfixed . I could not move i wanted to stay like that forever i looked into his eyes and i could see him staring back at my soul. We connected . I could hear him , his wolf . Payu spoke to Rain .

I felt his body slump in my arms as he was clutching his head . He fainted . I panicked .

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