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The Arabic word for blue

For her entire life, Azraq has lived off the scraps of the rich. Her mother never cared for the way she should, but the rest of the tight-knit community filled in where she left off.

The ramshackle side of town she lived in was mostly older folks, from humans to Quarren, the elders made sure Azraq was always well fed. Until the Control was put into play.

When Azraq was around nine years old, a new policy called 'The Control' was put in place. This policy dictated that anyone over thirty years old with less than two children under the age of 11, be publicly put to death. By extension, everyone who ever gave a crap about Azraq was killed before her very eyes.

This meant that she was now required to fend for herself. All her clothes, meals, and water, were now illegally acquired from that point onwards. Fortunately for her, she found out she was good at stealing. Like, really, good at stealing. Within the first year of her new lifestyle, she was caught four times. 

The first time they gave her a warning because she was just a kid. The second time they made her give the owner a written three page apology, while the third time it was the same thing, plus she had to work for the shop owner for two months. The fourth time she escaped prison shortly after they caught her and called her mother.

Three years later, she was caught a final time and had a letter 'T' branded on her right cheek bone to permanently mark her as a thief. She escaped prison a second time shortly thereafter.

Following this incident, her mother had a sort of 'wake up call' and started teaching her to cook, fire a blaster, and even showed her pictures of her father, who Azraq got her defined cheek-bones and narrowed brown eyes from. The only confusing thing was when her mother forbade her from telling anyone else what he looked like. Her mother also told her that if anything happened, to find him.


Three months later the Separatists attempted to take their Republic planet of Saluecami. A month into the siege, a bomb collapsed their cheap apartment structure, and the only view of the outside Azraq had was of the street, where the tan armored legs of B2 battle droid legs marched endlessly as her mother's body began to die, trapped under rubble.

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now