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The action or fact of being killed, to cease all life.

~*{ Azraq P.O.V}*~
Being manhandled by a large figure in intimidating armor less than a day after witnessing my mother get brutally killed by falling concrete is not something I thought I would ever experience. But, c'est la vie I guess.

Normally, I would panic in events like today. But honestly I don't give a crap anymore. Besides, if something bad happens, what are they gonna do? Call my parents? Yeah I don't think so.

Anyway, back to the situation at hand, I continued to struggle in the armored man's grasp. I yelled a string of curses at him, and when he covered my mouth with his hand, I bit it with all the power I had. Dude grunted and pinned me to the ground by my shoulders before trying to speak to me.

"Calm down! And don't bite people!" His tone was stern, but not necessarily aggressive. I decided to not be a wee little goblin for a bit and held still. I did continue to glare at him though.

He chuckled. "You've got guts stealing from a military encampment, I'll give you that, kid." I didn't respond, just maintained eye contact. I could see him start to get uncomfortable with my strange ability to not be weirded out by prolonged eye contact. Good.

"What are you doing here kid?" He didn't seem like he would hurt me. I think he respected me more now.

"What does it look like I'm doing here?" I shot back at him. He gave me an 'I'm done with your crap' look.

"It looks like you were stealing special medical supplies from the Grand Army of the Republic, which is a federal offense"

I really didn't mean to say what I said next. Honest. It was a total accident, but the opportunity was so obvious. Plus, he walked right into it. And he yanked me out from under a bad so he deserved it.

"Your face is a federal offense!" I grinned as if I had just stolen the moon, rather than some disinfectant and bandages.

He seemed shocked for a moment, before his shoulders started to shake, then his head, then he was full-out laughing. I was just confused that I didn't get hit over the head.

"Nice try tiny, I like your spirit but that won't help you at all right now." I could hear the smirk. Suddenly, he became stern again.

"Who. Are. You?" His tone made me nervous.
"You first." I mustered up the courage to be just as harsh.

"I see how it is, I'm Commander Wolffe. Your turn, spitfire." I frowned under my mask at the nickname.
"I'm...Cobalt." I lied.

"Well that's a big fat lie. Tell me your real name Cobalt." Wolffe saw right through me. He gave me the same look he did earlier.

"Aye, sure, because that would be great once you took a look at any databases! No, I'm not stupid." I challenged. If I gave him my real name I would definitely get arrested. He narrowed his eyes behind the visor.

"All right, then let's see what you stole from us." He accepted the challenge of sass. I allowed him to take my little sack and search it.

He became increasingly confused as he pulled out each of the medical supplies I tried to take. When he pulled out the tweezers he fully released his grip. Removing his helmet, he looked at me concerned. I finally broke eye contact and looked towards the exit.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, not restraining me this time, he looked worried.

"Why are you here, Cobalt? Do you need help? Is there someone trapped?" He questioned me. The bionic eye made me curious. How did he get it? WAIT NO- focus Azraq, you're in a potentially dangerous situation. Now is not the time for your overly distractible brain.

"I don't think I wanna tell you that yet." I don't trust him enough to let him fix my injuries. With that, I took his momentary softness to try and bolt as I snatched the blaster I found and claimed, unfortunately blood loss is a heck of a drug and I landed on the ground, right on top of all the cuts from trying to leave my apartment through the window. I felt a few shards of glass that I couldn't get without tweezers get shoved in deeper.

I tried to push myself off the ground, but I felt so weak that it was all I could do to roll over and point the gun up at the Commander.

"Don't... don't come closer!" I tried to be as intimidating as a ten year old laying on the ground and bleeding out could be. It didn't work.

Wolffe crouched down, hands up. "It's alright Cobalt, I don't want to hurt you. Let me see your injuries, and tell me your real name, and we can figure everything else out." I still didn't trust him, he just seemed too aggressive under this... facade he was using. I can't forget how quickly he had me down and incapacitated.

I didn't have much of a choice  right now though.
"...Alright." I sighed, giving him a wary look. He seemed pleased and offered to help me up. I accepted. He kept a hand behind me to make sure I didn't keel over and got me to sit down in a medical bed. Miraculously, my favorite sweater was not covered in blood when I took it off for Wolffe to get to the cuts. My black undershirt was a whole different story though.

"If you try anything, I'm stabbing you." I warned him, trying to keep from seeming too naïve.

As I sat there, spacing out on the nearest vaguely interesting object, I felt my shirt get lifted just enough that the slashes were all showing, followed by a terrible cutting sensation in my stomach. I flinched back and looked down. It was Wolffe removing a glass shard.

"You're alright, it's just best to do this when people aren't looking at the injury, they flinch less." I acknowledged his clarification with a head nod and spaced out on his helmet across the room, trying to avoid focusing on the pain. Did he paint it himself, or did it come like that?

Soon that portion of the process, along with disinfecting the wound, was complete. One of the wounds had to be stitched, but the others would be fine with bandages and a bacta patch.

"So now that that's over with," Wolffe sat on the bed next to me and leaned forward, elbows on his knees "What's your real name kid?" I sighed.


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