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To be equal in treatment or value. Typically used to describe a situation.

<=[+ Bad Batch P.O.V +]=>

Wolffe had given us a basic description of the girl, along with her name. About 4'5 with brown hair, brown eyes, and a black t shirt with dark grey joggers. Her name was Azraq.

It didn't take long to find her small footprints in the dusty ground. And it took even less time for Crosshair to say he could see her short legs poking out from a vent, swinging slightly. I told him not try to go up to her yet, we didn't want to scare her off when nobody else was there to grab her.


Our group of four soon caught up to Crosshair, quickly spotting the small amount of Azraq that was visible. Wolffe decided he would go up to her since she'll recognize him.

¥=_> Wolffe P.O.V <_=¥

As I crept closer she pulled her legs into the vent with her, she must have heard my footsteps. I called her name quietly, and I heard her shift slightly.

"Azraq?" I called again, slightly louder. "I know you're in there, kid, I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know" her voice seemed broken, it was barely audible.

I moved to the entrance to the vent, leaning my forearms on the edge. I could barely make out her round face in the dark. Her knees were pulled close to her chest with her arms folded on top.

"Then why did you run?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I don't know, I just can't."

She started to move farther back only to discover she was already as far back as she could go, I could see her start to panic.

"Hey! Hey, Azraq, you're alright, nobody here wants to hurt you, you're safe, I just have to ask you a few questions and then we can talk about what to do about your whole... situation. Okay?" I calmed her down slightly, she was still shaking. I could see old tear tracks on her cheeks. 

"That's it, that's alright." I tried to continue helping her calm down, I refused to deal with a crying kid any more than necessary.

I backed up to give her room to crawl out as she started to move forward, but she winced and pulled back again. She told me she couldn't bend forward to move. I shook my head and chuckled at the predicament she got herself into.

I reached forward into the vent and grabbed her under her arms like you would a tooka cat. I pulled her out slowly to avoid aggravating the wounds and set her down gently, she held onto my arm for a moment to steady herself.

Only to hide behind me as soon as she saw the new figures. She may have been a Spitfire while she was pumped full of adrenaline, but the second she came off it Azraq acted just as any other injured ten-year old would, timid and wary. Luckily, I didn't have to do anything because Hunter took it upon himself to make the first move.

<{Third Person P.O.V}>

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid of us kid, everyone here just wants to help." He assured the young girl. Tentatively, she met his gentle gaze, visibly relaxing upon seeing the lack of aggression in his stance. Shakily, Azraq stepped out from behind Wolffe.

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now