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Persisting tirelessly. A synonym for determination.

🐺_/ Wolffe P.O.V \_🪖

Azraq glared at me yet again when I implied that she would bite Boost. Something in her stance said she knew I was right though. I pushed her in front of me and kept my hands on her shoulders to keep her from hiding behind me like she did when meeting Hunter and the others, and introduced the clones in the room.

"Well, I'll leave you boys to it" With that, I walked away to the command center where the General was.

I saluted when he acknowledged my presence in the room, then walked over. Plo Koon motioned for me to join him, leaning against the table in the center of the room. I did so, and his next actions surprised me greatly.

"What is your opinion on children, Commander Wolffe?" I blinked at him.


"Apologies, I should clarify, what is your opinion on Azraq?"

"She... she's certainly different, but I am beginning to take a liking to her. She's got spirit, and she's decently smart. I think there's definitely more to her than meets the eye though." I gave my opinion clearly.

"And what would you say if you could keep her, legally?"

"I... don't know, sir. Clones aren't able to adopt are we?"

"Oh you are allowed, but technically you wouldn't have to adopt her. Since you are her closest known relative." Plo buir clarified. I was baffled. Relative? Me?

"What are you on about sir?"

"Jango Fett is this girl's father. Making you and all your brothers count as her uncles." He showed me the picture Azraq had given him of her parents, they looked happy. Especially Jango, who was beaming while holding a two year old Azraq.

She had her arms raised in the air, as if she was trying to grab the sun. I found myself wanting to make her that happy.

"So you mean, that she is now legally under the care of the entire clone army?" Plo nodded, I could see his cheeks raise as he smiled. I sat for a moment, processing, and before I could stop myself, I blurted out my innermost thoughts.

"Does that make you her grandpa?"

🔫✨=| Azraq P.O.V |= 🫂❤️‍🩹

I was going to kick Wolffe next time I saw him.

He isn't supposed to just kriffin' leave me! I DON'T KNOW THESE GUUYYYYYYS. I hid my panic by going and sitting in a corner of the room that was covered in pillows and blankets, and burrowing into them so you could only see my eyes. The men in the room decided correctly that I didn't want to be bothered. Except Boost, who chose to try gaining my trust by sitting near my pillow burrow as he played an unfamiliar game on a hand held holo device.

I had never seen a video game before, so obviously I was intrigued. I watched from where I had buried myself, but discovered I was becoming more curious, and my vantage point was not good enough. I scooted slightly closer and sat up so I could see, and Boost subtly shifted so I could observe easily.

It seemed to be about a little warrior with a purplish cloak who went around and fought little bugs. The scenery was very beautiful and I wanted to know the story. I watched as he fought the same character again and again, I guess they were really difficult. My eyes flicked from Boost's concentrated face to the little screen in his hands.

"Can I try?" My voice came out quietly. Boost jumped slightly in surprise, and died again in the game.

"Uh, maybe in a while after I beat this boss, then I can make a new file for you to play in. Does that sound alright?" I nodded and resumed watching, deciding I would simply antagonize him instead.

"Why can't you beat this one? It doesn't look that hard."

"Just hit her!"

"There's an opening there, you have enough health stop healing!"

"You should use that big attack."

Suddenly Boost stopped the game, and turned to me blank faced. He saved, then set the game down. He turned around fully, stood, then moved so quickly I didn't even have time to blink.

By the time I figured out what was happening I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna pee myself. Boost had decided the best payback for my antagonistic ways was to attack me with tickles. I rolled on the ground trying to escape, giggling all the while, and he cackled triumphantly.

"Stop! Stop, I'm gonna pee myseeelf!" I could barely get the words out through laughs, and thankfully, he left me be. Or so I thought.

As I caught my breath, laying on the ground, I was suddenly smacked in the face by a pillow. I started to sit up, and was met by intense pain in my abdomen. Looking under my sweater and undershirt, nothing had changed, the bandages and stitches had just gotten slightly irritated. I lowered the shirts and grinned at Boost to tell his worried self that I was okay. He still seemed skeptical.

I huddled back into my blanket pile very soon though, because I noticed the commotion had drawn attention our way. Another clone came up to us, I think his name was Sinker, and suggested something I didn't hear to Boost, who nodded rapidly. Boost crouched in front of me.

"Hey little Spitfire, why don't you crawl out of there and we can build a fort?" I gave him a suspicious look. "I'm not gonna tickle you again, don't worry." He chuckled, giving me a small smile.

I begrudgingly pulled myself out of the pile, and stood next to him. Minutes turned into an hour, and a giant fort had been constructed around the Djarik table so we could still play games in the fort. The floor was covered in pillows and blankets so we were comfortable, and everyone in the room was laying on the ground inside, half of them asleep, and the others almost out.

How would you guys feel if I made us a Discord server?

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now