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nah I'm just kidding

To be glad or appreciative of something or someone.

.•*•./(Third Person P.O.V)\.•*•.

Everyone, including Azraq, snapped to attention at the sound of a new voice. Most, out of respect, the girl, out of surprise. The tall Jedi motioned for the men to be at ease and then kneeled down to the height of the young girl.

"Hello there, child." His voice was soothing to Azraq. She was now noticing how much she missed the tone of a parent.

"Hi..." Her voice trailed off. She had never spoken to a Jedi.

"There is no need to be nervous, little one. What is your name?"

"Depends, how well acquainted are you with the police in this area?" If he was well acquainted, she would lie about her name since he would recognize it if she didn't.

"Not very, it has been some time since I have visited Saluecami. Why?" The Jedi seemed suspicious.

Azraq pretended not to hear him, "Then my name is Azraq." She gave a small smile.

"I am Master Plo Koon, it's very good to meet you Azraq." He seemed to not notice the way she dodged the question. "Why are they questioning you?"

She had a feeling Plo Koon already knew, but Wolffe answered for her. "Sir, she was attempting to steal medical supplies when I caught her." His answer was curt.

Koon put his hands behind his back and nodded. "And why would you be doing that, Azraq?" Again, she thought he knew already, and again, Wolffe answered for her. Unfortunately, he told the full, unaltered story.

(;){ Azraq P.O.V }(;)

I waited anxiously for Wolffe to finish reciting the events of the last few hours, my leg tapped nervously and The Bad Batch was giving me an odd mix of amused and sympathetic looks. I hid in my sweater again, pulling my legs inside as well to form a ball of anxiety and ignorance to the outside world.

I fiddled with my hands and thought of all the ways I could be hurt as punishment, all the ways my mom would've punished me for this. I needed some form of comfort, I needed the comfort of another person, someone to hold me close, to tell me you won't be hurt anymore, I'm here for you.

But I knew better than to expect that. Little thieves don't get a happy ending, they get beaten and thrown in the dark closet.

At least, that's what mum always said.


I was hit by another pang of grief and sadness, but this time, I had no tears. So I remained apathetic and got lost in my own world. A world where I was in charge, and nobody could ever hurt me.





I was pulled out of my little garden of dreams by a combination of one of the clones and Plo Koon calling my name. I looked up in surprise, bringing my legs back out of the sweater. My arms were wet.

I looked down and at some point my nails had broken skin, my forearms were bleeding heavily. I had no idea. Wolffe rolled his eyes and the Jedi motioned for me to follow him. Before I could get up I was scooped off the steps and placed once more onto Wrecker's broad shoulder.

I started to put my hand on top of his head to steady myself like I had done before, but thought better of it due to the blood still covering my arms. I started to pull my arms close to me to avoid, again, blood getting on one of the others, but Crosshair had other ideas.

He took me from Wrecker and set me down long enough to roll my sleeves up for me and wrap a temporary bandage around my entire lower arm so I could stop stressing about making a mess, with that, he picked me back up, and gave me back to Wrecker. I was endlessly confused by this clone. Eh, c'est la vie I suppose.

I was probably gonna be back in the streets in like three days anyway.

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now