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A tangle or odd grouping of something

.•* Third Person P.O.V *•.

Wolffe wasn't sure what he was expecting to find when he came back to the rec room, but it certainly wasn't this. A large pillow fort in the back of the room with a pile of vode, and Azraq curled up in the middle.

The scene was funnier the longer he looked at it, most of his brothers were just a jumble of arms and legs, there was no way that was comfortable. He was about to wake them all up, but seeing the firey, anxious little girl all curled up and peaceful shattered that intention, and instead he turned the lights off and left the room, instead choosing to speak to the Bad Batch and give them the mission briefing.

_-=' Azraq P.O.V '=-_

I awoke slowly at first, then shot up and observed my surroundings, suddenly very awake. The lights were off now, someone must have come in. I stood carefully, not wanting to wake up the sea of sleeping clones all around me, and picked my way to the exit of the fort, then to the door. It had hit me that I was very hungry, and Wolffe had my bag, so I needed to find him.

I padded carefully down the hall, finding myself missing the warmth of other people. The floor was freezing on my bare feet, which were used to the hot pavement of the city. As I got further and further down the hallway, I realized I was lost. I could not remember a single twist or turn in this stupid metal ship and I was already too far away to get back to the rec room. Keeping this in mind, I elected to continue turning left until I got somewhere.


So that was the wrong choice. I am now thoroughly lost and have not seen one person this entire time. Hallways are stupid, and direction is a lie. I switch tactics, and sit down against the wall, if I stay here long enough, somebody will find me.

Hihi! Sooooo.... I clearly did not update when I said I would. I got distracted, forgot this existed, hyperfixated on the X-Men and then school started back so... yeah. Sorry again!
~ Beans

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now