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The material your fingernails, and the barbs on a cat's tongue are made of.

•3• ❤️ Third Person P.O.V ❤️  •3•

After maybe  twenty minutes of waiting, Azraq was frustrated and bored. The girl didn't know what to do with herself, sitting in an unfamiliar hall, on an unfamiliar ship, waiting for a, most likely, unfamiliar figure to come to her aid.

Her anxieties of being left to rot in that hall forever increased, and she started to bite her nails. Luckily, her strong feelings did not go unnoticed, and a certain alien began making his way towards her, reaching out through the force to comfort and calm the little spitfire.

Plo Koon was there rather quickly, familiarity and long legs made for quick travel. He spotted her quickly, disheveled appearance contrasting heavily with the sterile grey halls.

"Hello child, are you lost?" His tone was gentle as always. Azraq nodded shyly in response, his tall figure would most likely always be intimidating to her. His cheeks lifted in a smile, and the Jedi Master stood, extending a large hand.

"Where would you like to go, Azraq?" She took his hand as she stood, taking a moment to force her mouth to work. She had occasional trouble speaking, like someone accidentally pressed the mute button and had to find the remote real quick.

"I was going to find food," she finally squeezed out "I got hungry." The tall man nodded, and began leading her to the desired location. On the way, he attempted to lift her spirits with light, vaguely joking conversation.

While Azraq was mostly unresponsive, through her feelings of relaxation and contentment Plo Koon was able to gather that she liked conversation this way, allowing the other participant to talk about anything and everything as she offered an occasional nod, smile, or question. Of course, Azraq being Azraq meant that most of these comments were of the sarcastic variety.

No fr tho I'm so bad about actually writing things and also it's almost midnight XD

EDIT: I'm reposting the Discord server link! If it doesn't work lmk and I'll just send it directly to you


The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now