QnA Questions!

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Hello hello!
It's time for a good 'ol QnA!

Are you ready?

Let's go!

"Thank you for asking! Let's find out, shall we?"

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"Thank you for asking! Let's find out, shall we?"

"I was certainly quite... surprised to say the least,"

"Why is that, Wolffe?"

"Normally it's adults that sneak in stealing for their kids, and they're typically hostile towards clones. I'd never had a child try and steal from us before."

"Huh, interesting. Let's see what Hunter and the batch have to say!"

"Personally, I was just worried about Wolffe's sanity more than anything. I could tell right from the start Azraq was a handful." Hunter chuckled. "Nonetheless though, I think she's a good kid."

"I concur with Hunter, I believe the child is simply lacking in direction." Tech continued.

"I like the kid! She's got spunk! The little Spitfire knows how to take care of herself and I respect that." Wrecker ended his statement with an sense of finality.

"And Crosshair? What do you think?"

"I can appreciate her skill." He showed no sign of continuing his statement.

"Um... okay! Let's continue, Master Plo Koon! What did you think of Azraq?"

"I believe she has the potential to be an incredible person, and I believe Wolffe and the clones will be perfect to guide her on that path. Upon first meeting, I felt her fear above all else."

"Thank you for your time! Azraq, what do you think about all these lovely folks?"

"Lovely? I'm not sure if that's the word, but I don't have any strong opinions on anybody yet other than they seem nice enough."

Thank you very much for asking! I actually have no idea what inspired me

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Thank you very much for asking! I actually have no idea what inspired me.

My mind and imaging tend to be way hyperactive. I have an endless wealth of ideas, my only struggle is stringing the ideas together in a way that makes sense, you know? I could talk about my ideas for hours if someone would let me.

Azraq herself popped into my head one day because I got a new sweater though. XD

You absolutely can!

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You absolutely can!

(Sorry the drawing sucks, I'm not very good with digital yet

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(Sorry the drawing sucks, I'm not very good with digital yet.)

That's all folks! Leave any more questions you have right here!

Reposting the discord link! Come say hi!

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now