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Guys I started a moss garden! ^^^


The place where someone or something is most comfortable, and goes most often.

<|:0[>\ Azraq P.O.V /<]0:|>

The questions continued as we walked to the tent where all this started and as we entered I noticed my bag and blaster were still on the bed. Wrecker plopped me down right next to them and I immediately slung the bag over my shoulder. My momentary cooperation ended when Tech tried to grab my arms so he could wrap them properly.

I immediately pulled them back to myself and curled inwards at the far corner of the bed, I only allowed Crosshair because I was too shocked by him acknowledging my presence to stop him. The others seemed surprised by my slight outburst, while Tech almost looked offended.

I didn't want to tell them who I was reminded of with the quick movement and outstretched arms. My eyebrows furrowed slightly and I shook my head a little when he tried again, slower. I hid the deep frown behind my face mask. I was getting uncomfortable, too many people looking at me, my clothes were touching me too much, the bandage over the 'T' brand on my cheek itched, my bare feet were cold. I could hear troopers in the rest of the base and I could hear everyone's breathing. My own heart beat was too loud and too much was going on. I could hear my name being called.

I wanted it to stop.

I needed them to shut up.

Shut up.
Shut up.
Shut up. Shut up.


"Be quiet!"

My eyes snapped open upon realizing my voice had cried out at the same time as someone else's and my hands came off my ears, shaking. Quiet, shaking breaths left my lungs. Someone was next to me, a cold, calloused hand gently on the back of my neck near the bottom of my hairline to keep me grounded.

It was Crosshair. He had noticed before everyone else that I was overstimulated and overwhelmed, and had acted on it immediately. Did he ever experience something similar? Could he tell why I freaked? His eyes when he glanced over said he did.

They were all talking quietly now, and Tech approached cautiously with antiseptic and bandages. Crosshair's hand moved to the top of my head, slender fingers brushing through my hair to calm me. I let Tech approach, Crosshair was with me, he made me feel oddly safe.

As my arms were bandaged properly, the questions restarted, this time Plo Koon was asking them.

"One more question, Azraq, then we can talk about what to do with you." His tone was gentle and he kneeled in front of me so he could see my face.

I nodded to say go ahead.

"Do you have any other family?" I blinked in surprise, thinking. Tech finished bandaging my arms. As I looked up, and around the room, I realized how closely the troopers resembled the picture of my father. Wolffe looked the most like him.

I started to dig through my bag, finding the picture, I looked at it a moment. My nose and overall facial structure looked like him, but my coloration was like my mom. My eyes were my father's though.

I handed it over to Plo. "I don't know his name, but this is a picture of my dad." He seemed very surprised.

"What's your full name, child?" He had become very serious.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "My Mum never told me." I held my own hands.

He nodded. "Thank you Azraq, I will return after a while. Wolffe, take Azraq with you and either watch her yourself, or get someone else to." He gave a slight bow and left the tent.

For a moment, we all stood there silently. Wolffe muttered something about not being a babysitter, then rolled his eyes and motioned for me to follow him.

I got up and felt the comfort of Crosshair's hand leave my head. I looked behind me a moment and waved goodbye to the odd group of clones, the croissant himself gave me a knowing look and a comforting nod, which I returned without the addition of a middle finger, a gesture learned during a 'conversation' about my existence with my mother.

I turned back around to see Wolffe waiting impatiently with his hands on his hips. "Are you coming, or would you like for me to let you navigate the base alone?" Needless to say, I hurried after him.

As we walked, I continued to catch myself eyeing his hand, still having the innate urge to seek some form of contact. I fell behind slightly as I scolded myself, these are soldiers! They aren't gonna hold some kid's hand! Somehow, my falling behind worked in a positive manner, because when I started to have trouble keeping up, Wolffe grabbed my hand to pull me along.

His grip was tight, but not uncomfortable or painful. More... safe. We soon reached a more indoor part of the base, passing a mess hall (I had to hide my hungry expression) a hangar bay, and finally reaching a lounge type area where clones in varying degrees of armored-up sat cleaning weapons, watching films, or playing holo-games.

It was here in the doorway that Wolffe stopped, clearing his throat to get the attention of the room's occupants. All of the dozen or so inhabitants snapped up and stood, saluting in a hurried manner. I involuntarily hid behind the Commander, I was quickly remembering that I typically did not enjoy new people.

"Men, I don't care who does it, but I need someone to watch Sparky here until I come back," I gave him a hard glare at the nickname. "I would prefer if you didn't hurt the kid, but at the very least you need to keep track of her."

One of the less armored troopers called to Wolffe. "What's her name, commander?"

"Her name's Azraq," Wolffe turned slightly to put me out in the open, and I gave him a look of betrayal. "Azraq, that is Boost. Do not bite him."

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now