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To capture a person or animal that tries or would try to escape.

Azraq awoke two hours later to the sound of rumbling ships. The trooper who had discovered her had called in a gunship with magnetic clamps to move the debris holding her inside the building. However, having never even seen a clone trooper, nor any other Republic forces, she panicked, and readied herself to sprint out and away from the area.

And sprint she did.

In the few seconds after the heavy debris which trapped her in that forsaken room was removed, she had grabbed the blaster which fell inside earlier, hoisted herself out of the 'prison', and was running away from the scene.

~*<>*~{•^•}~*<>*~Time skip ~*<>*~{•^•}~*<>*~

Azraq had run from the troopers for about an hour and a half before she lost them. She was sitting in a sewer tunnel, gasping for air after the sprint. She wasn't really sure how she managed to dodge the stun blasts, but she had fired a few shots back, each one hitting somewhere on the grey and white armor.

Sitting still, the adrenaline faded and the pain of the glass cuts on her torso was multiplied. Knowing they needed to be taken care of, but not trusting the men in armor, she tentatively exited the sewer. Luckily they had not been in use for awhile and there was little to no stench or filth in that area, just droid parts.

Putting her faded sweater on over head to conceal the wounds along with a face mask, she made sure the bandage over the brand on her cheek was still in place, then ventured into the shadows of the deserted streets. Making her way towards the Republic's main encampment, she made sure to keep her steps light as possible. As she reached the outskirts of the camp, her sharp eyes caught the shadow of a ship entering the airstrip at highly unsafe speeds.

She ignored the ship and continued making her way towards the makeshift medical center. ( A tent with a big medic symbol on it ) She positioned herself in the blind spot between the underside of the ship and the side of the tent and carefully moved towards the opening. Peeking around the corner, she saw that the tent was currently empty and stepped inside quickly to avoid being spotted. 

Azraq worked quickly, grabbing two rolls of bandages, a bottle of disinfectant, a clean cloth, and water. She was about to exit, but heard footsteps approaching the entrance. Looking around frantically, she shoved the items in a bag and dove under the medical bed to hide. 

The clone entered only moments afterward.

~*<>*~{•^•}~*<>*~Wolffe P.O.V~*<>*~{•^•}~*<>*~

I had seen someone's shadow, not a clone, moving around in the medical tent taking different items from the drawers, and went to investigate. As I entered, I heard the tell-tale shuffle of someone diving for cover, and heard the slightly labored breathing of someone in pain.

Knowing that whoever this was was most likely under the bed, I went to the opposite side of the room to trick them. It worked, as I could hear them moving out from under the bed and towards the door. I turned towards them quickly, grabbing their shoulders and slamming them to the ground, effectively stunning them long enough for me to bind their wrists and ankles so they wouldn't escape while I questioned them.

Now having time to observe them as they caught their breath again, I saw that it was a young girl, maybe ten years old, with wavy brown hair and narrow hazel eyes. She observed me just the same, shock and fear evident in her eyes.

"Why were you stealing our supplies." The question came out as more of a demand, and the girl stuttered slightly before settling on cursing me in Mando'a.

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now