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So out of place or out of the ordinary that it becomes ridiculous or amusing.

_.-•*\ Wolffe P.O.V /*•-.

It had been one long day since I first woke up two days ago. First we get a sudden S.O.S from Saluecami, then that ridiculous spitfire, Azraq was caught right when things were finally dying down.

Oddly enough, upon finding out my brothers and I were legally required to keep her, I realized I looked forward to it. It had only been a day but she had managed to worm her way into my heart, no matter how ludicrous it may sound. My fondness for her was only cemented upon discovering the fort, seeing her peaceful, sleeping form could strike a smile on anyone's face.

I was back from my mission now, and I returned to the rec room to see if Azraq was awake yet. I needed to share the new information. However, the girl was gone. I thought through my list of activities in the base and settled on her having gone to look for food. I doubt she never got lost along the way.

Sure enough, when I walked I to the mess hall, there she was. She was sitting across from the General munching happily on a dinner roll, an empty bowl of soup scooched slightly to the side so her long hair didn't fall into the bowl.

_ .-•*\|} Azraq P.O.V {|/*•-. _

I enjoyed listening to the old Jedi. I found his slightly muffled voice incredibly relaxing, and he had a kind aura about him. I always found it easier to talk to people when I couldn't see their eyes as well, making Master Plo the perfect person for me to converse with.

The food certainly helped, it had been ages since I had something with any nutritional value that I didn't have to run for thirty minutes to get, without also being arrested.  It was nice to feel so... taken care of. I was finishing off my roll when Wolffe came into view, I was enjoying Plo's retelling of a huge space battle, and was lost in the images he was putting in my head.

The story was over too quickly for my liking, and Wolffe was making his way over, looking... nervous? Well that just doesn't seem right, him being nervous worried me.

"What's got you all in a twist?" Shoot, he's giving me a 'look'. I didn't mean to sound so rude. Oh well.

"Come with me, Azraq." Kriff. Real name? I'm in for it.

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now