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To have bad ideas or plans

"Come with me, Azraq." Kriff. Full name? I'm in for it.

.-•* Narrator P.O.V *•-.
The girl followed nervously, head down and steps quick. In fact, she was so timid, that she forgot to make a snarky remark about where he was taking her. Suddenly, Wolffe stopped and turned. Azraq stopped as well, barely avoiding a collision.

"Alright spitfire, I'm gonna explain some new information to you, and go ahead and say I'm just as confused as you will be." He looked... almost nervous? She tilted her head at him, raising an eyebrow.

"You remember the photo you gave us?" She nodded.

"Well we also were able to test some of your DNA, since... to put it lightly, you shed," Wolffe reached over and pulled a stray hair off of Azraq's sweater. "But the results came back and... we know who your father is- or was, now"

Azraq's eyes widened, not even caring about having her DNA tested without her knowledge.

"You do?" She asked excitedly, speaking quickly. He nodded in response.

"Jango Fett, our donor. Biologically, you are related to the entire Grand Army of the Republic." He sounded impressed and confused by his own statement. Azraq's jaw dropped and she just stared at him. Is that why they looked so familiar?

"Wait wait wait so- if my mom is gone, and so is my biological dad is as well, but there are literal millions of you guys, then you all are technically my closest living relatives?" She tried to make sure she was getting everything right. Wolffe confirmed with a nod.

"So- I wouldn't logically end up in foster care or anything, so what do I do?" She questioned, punctuation every word by moving her hands around.

"Well how am I supposed to know? All I know is you technically have about twenty million copies of your father. The normal procedure would be to let you be in our care, but no part of this situationis normal. " He sounded just as confused, and found himself copying her actions.

Azraq huffed, and ran a hand through her tangled hair, thinking. Unbeknownst to the pair, they were actually doing the exact same thing like a couple of copy cats. When they noticed, and made eye contact, both found themselves laughing.

"What-" Wolffe caught his breath "-the heck do we even do at this point?" He sounded like he was having an existential crisis. Azraq nearly laughed at his tone, a strong contrast to the stoic, grumpy demeanor normally displayed.

"I don't know, I'm ten! I don't even know division! You think I know the legal system?"

"Well you're pretty good at disobeying it!"

"Well-" she tried for a rebuttal, but she had met her match in sass with Wolffe. "-yeah that's true." She took a breath. He did as well.

"Alright," Wolffe composed himself, resting a hand on his hip. "So our current mission is over, you were the only survivor we found who didn't have anywhere else to go, so I assume we go back to Coruscant now? We could consult Republic leaders that way, they could help figure all this out. There's around twenty million of us all equally related to you, so there's a chance you could just be passed from battalion to batallion."

Azraq blinked, this was a lot of information, and part of her just wanted to go back to the pillow fort and watch Boost play that game. She fiddled with the edge of the bandages on her arm, thinking.

"You know what- just- we'll go back to the rec room, you can relax, do whatever, and you'll be notified when I know the next step. Sound good?" Wolffe seemed to have read her mind.

"Got it, Commander." She joked, doing a mock salute. He rolled his eyes and handed her a comm device she, surprisingly, knew how to use. He said it was to communicate and keep track of her. She said he was worried she'd run away.

She declared herself triumphant when he had no rebuttal. He rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah yeah whatever, you want my help or should I let you get to the rec room alone?" He crossed his arms, and Azraq quickly silenced herself and stood up straight.

I'm finally back!!

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now