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Hello fiends and frogs!
Beans here, I know, crazy, you probably thought I was dead.

Unfortunately for you, I am not! But I probably could've been sometime in the next ten-twenty years. Because I got thyroid cancer! As well as Graves' disease, and chronic migraine.

I've stayed busy with school and doctors appointments, as well as other hyper fixations, so I haven't had much writing time. However, I am here now, and will try to update at least once a month. If I can stop almost dying.

In fact, I am working on another chapter as we speak. In the mean time, this is a QnA chapter! You can ask me, or the characters any questions you want! You can also request a scenario and I can tell how that would go or write a mini scene.

That's all for now my friends, ask away!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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