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A/N I'm sure by now you've all figured out who my favorite bad batch member is. Also Crosshair is SO KRIFFING DIFFICULT TO DRAW and I have no idea why. This is my best art of him yet ☺️!
Who is your favorite Bad Batch character?

To be out of energy, either mentally, physically, or both. Typically occurs after injury or traumatic events.

~*{Third Person P.O.V}*~

At first, Wolffe didn't know whether to be mad this girl stole supplies, impressed she had the guts to steal supplies, or sad that she was desperate enough to steal supplies. He settled on a combination of the three. Unfortunately, now he was just irritated. As soon as he fixed her wounds (she adamantly refused to let another person near her) and got her name, she bolted the first chance she got. Unfortunately for her, she left her bag, sweater, and Wolffe behind.

Wolffe was done with this kid, but he was required to bring her in since she did try to steal from them. So he gave chase.

After a ten year old.

While wearing full armor.

It was amusing for those who weren't involved, to say the least.

Unfortunately, Azraq was involved, and she was terrified. Having finally had time to relax, the reality of everything had suddenly crashed down on her like the roof her mother died under.

Her mother.
Her home.
Her friends.
Her body.
So she ran.
And ran.
And ran.

Finally, she turned a few sharp corners, found a small space she could hide in, and collapsed, barely keeping the tears at bay.

~*{^ Wolffe P.O.V ^}*~

I lost sight of the kid. She seemed panicked before she disappeared around the corner. Standing at the entrance to the alleyway, I caught my breath, looking for any sign of where Azraq could be. I jumped when I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw The Bad Batch standing behind me, they must have arrived while I was dealing with a certain Spitfire.

"Everything alright Commander Wolffe?" Hunter, the Batch's Sergeant asked. "We saw you running after someone. Who was that?"
I composed myself, "We had a survivor, apparently turned thief, digging through our supplies. I had her pinned long enough to get a name but she escaped shortly after and disappeared down this alley."

"We could help you find her, shouldn't be too difficult. Besides, at the very least she needs to be questioned." The enhanced clone offered.
I looked down at the faded sweater in my hand, weighing out the options.
On one hand, I'm sure she's just scared, she doesn't mean any harm. But she also tried to steal our supplies and ran the first chance she got. She needs help, Someone Azraq's size can't possibly survive long with her injuries. What am I gonna do with a kid? I can't keep her but from what I've heard I don't think I can make myself put her in the adoption system.
She's just a kid.

"Alright boys, do your thing. I'll help as best I can."

The Girl Whose Name Means Blue {Clone Wars x Child!OC}Where stories live. Discover now