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Time to rise

Here we see issei hyoudou a boy at the park with his date Yuma and this was were the boy would meet his end but today is different.

"Issei will you die for me"? Raymare asked showing her wings and lighspear but as she did issei was calm and unfazed while the he took out a piece of paper focusing and throwing it as he then turned to the fallen.

"So you said die for me i say you beg to lord Michael as he kicked you out of heaven." Issei said shocking raynare as he knows alot, "oh and yu.. No raynare was it tell me hows kokabel someone wants to know." Issei smiles viciously and with bloodlust as next to issei a red glow forms as Raynare gets pissed.

"Why you die foolish pervert sorry you could never touch my breast." Raynare says as the light spear gets thrown and the red glow formed a circle summoning a girl with red hair blue eyes and in a kuoh uniform known as rias gremory heir to the house of gremory.

Issei!! Rias yells but suddenly her and raynare are shocked by one word "BOOST" rang out as issei grabbed the spear showing the boosted gear and dragon wings and he then broke the spear like glass.

"Took you long enough rias now sorry i didn't die but well ask your brother to to help next time because us dragons are hard to kill. "Issei said as he smirked shocking the two as they thought dragons were all in the underworld with less than 5,000 and none can go human besides dragon gods or kings.

"Let me correct myself since your confused, im not sure if im a full dragon or half dragon i would be a full one but i  don't care as i want to live till i did one thing,right driag." Issei said as the gear glowed and they heard laughter.

"Hahahaha that's right partner you really our stubborn but maybe you  are a full Dragon maybe your just strongest emperor ive met issei. "DDraig said making the two girls start trembling and go to their knee's in fesr hearing that voice the voice of the dragon of donination.

"Shut up you overgrown lizard i said want to be different than the past host. Issei said getting annoyed. "Why you brat i told you it's impossible to go to tannin so im your only option." Ddraig said angered but he can see that issei is already different than the past host.

"Why do you think i called gremory i only know all the way to 50 years ago in supernatural but i know about the fallen and the angels and you told me about and some devils that you fought like sirzechs. Tch. So yeah i got favors he owes. Issei said not afraid of lucifer at all if he became a mouh that just mesns he's a better training partner." Issei says as he turns to Raynare.

"Oh and raynare.. Goodbye bitch and tell kokabel something for me in hell, i will get my revenge. "Issei said as he rushing in front of her with a blast in hand. Dragon shot!!issei said destroying raynare to ashes. Letting out so much rage and bloodlust but we unsure what kokabel did it must have been unforgivable.

Rias who saw the events transpired was afraid of isseis power, confused as she thought he was just a pervert and last shocked how he knew her brother.

Issei? Rias spoke as he turned off the boosted gear and looked at her. Yes rias what is it. Issei said calm like all is rage was hidden. "How do you know.. My.." But before rias could finish she felt a surge of energy coming from issei scaring her.

"Sorry gremory i cannot say but i will help from time to time just have your queen fetch me." Issei spoke calming rias as she knew he would help but she figured to ask him all he knew tomorrow.

Alright bye. The two spoke as they parted ways.

Pov issei

We see a red and green flared inside a dark and slightly broken home even if broken it remained clean expect for one door and the room in it that looked like it was painted red but it has a smell to it even humans can find.

"Finally home." Issei says getting out of the flare like circle and walking over to thw couch and placing his backpack on it and heading towards his room.
"You know partner the gremory could tell all of hell about us." Ddraig spoke allitle serious and distrusting of rias.

"I know draig thats why i let out my aura so if she does i will kill her next time i get a chance but first is training and plan revenge." Issei spoke entering his room upstairs and collapsing on his bed feeling sick." Alright partner i understand but rest up because if you see more fallen angel you will need a bucket. "Ddraig teased his partner as issei could only flip him off as he instantly fell asleep.

Pov rias.

While issei made it Back home rias Telaported to the orc building as she needed to do something.

"Sigh.. That was close." Rias spoke still a little shocked by issei's power. What was close? A seductive voice spoke shocking rias. We see a girl with pinkish purple eyes, black hair and the same chest as rias and in a kuoh uniform.

"Akeno that wasn't funny sneaking up on me. "Rias said as she walked to her desk as her queen was next to her.

"Ok, ara~ara what has you all shook up is a guy? "Akeno teased till rias was silent and looked at her and then spoke, "akeno its issei.. He .. He is the red dragon emperor and killed fallen in one shot in front of me." Rias spoke seriously shocking akeno who didn't think issei's had any gear besides a possible double critical let alone a longious.

So what will we do? Akeno spoke now knowing why rias was shocked and the queen herself was now afriad, "he wants to meet us here tomorrow so we will do that besides that i don't know because he said he wasnt afriad of lucifer and it seems like he dosent know my brother is lucifer now but he said that would just make him want to fight more. "Rias spoke as the two were in fear from the power of issei as they now had to plan things by playing it by the ear of dragon emperor.

Thats all for now guys and yes this is my newest story, i know its short but its a prologue and it was supposed to upload after crimson creeping nightmare but u thought to be nice since that hit 40k i want to make it great for you so it will take a bit longer and sorry about dragon gods ive been looking for motivation but i hope you all like this new serious as this dragon as more secrets and power than any before.

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