Chapter 1

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„And then she was like ‚Omg! He just looked my way! You think he actually noticed me?' believe me, it was so annoying.." Atsumu whispered to Y/n with a sigh. „No way! Are you serious? But not gonna lie, your fangirls are kinda crazy, i gave you your waterbottle at practice and i'm just happy that i'm still alive. If stares could kill, i would be deader than dead." Y/n said to Atsumu laughing. „Y/n, Atsumu, you care telling us what you are talking about in the middle of the class?" an annoying voice said that belonged to the teacher. Y/n looked with a bored expression to the teacher and shaked her head. „No, thanks, i think we'll pass" She said while putting on a fake smile. The teacher sighed and turned around to continue teaching.

„Samuuuuu" Y/n whined while resting her head on the shoulder of the grey-haired twin. „The fuck you want now?" He said annoyed. „Wow, try to be a little nicer to me, won't you?" Y/n said while pinching (piching? pinching? idk 😭😭) Osamus cheeks. „I'll think about it." he said, rubbing his cheeks. It was lunch time and the twin always ate with Y/n lunch, and that day it also wasn't different. „Guys guess what!" Atsumu said while running to the table Y/n and Osamu were sitting at. „What do you want, pisshair?" Osamu said while digging into his food. „I'm happy that i'm not the only person he's being nice to." Y/n said while grinning at Atsumu. „Yeah, Yeah, whatever." He said while rolling his eyes.

„So back to the thing you should guess.." Atsumu made a dramatical break. „There will be a new volleyballmember in our team!" He said while his eyes sparkled. „Wow, really? What's his name?" Osamu asked interested. „I hope he will be better with his behaviour than you guys.." Y/n said while yawning. „Ha-ha" Atsmu said while looking at Y/n with a bored expression. „Anyway, his name is Suna Rintarou." Atsumu said while grinning at his twin brother. Osamus fork fell on the table. „Wait, do you mean him? HIM?" he said. „Yup, i don't even know what happened to him, but he also goes here to school like us, i don't know how it's possible for us not even to see him once." Atsumu shrugged. Y/n looked confused. „Uhm, should i understand this right now..?" she said, but none of the twins answered her question because they were totally hyped for the next practice. Suna Rintarou.. Suna.. Y/n thought to herself. She had already heard that name before, but she didn't know form where. „Well, lunchbreak is over, i'll see you guys at practice, Y/n you will come too, right?" Osamu said while standing up and looking at the girl who was just nodding. „Alright, i better keep going too, bye Y/nnnn" Atsumu said too while leaving Y/n alone and waving her a goodbye.

Y/n started going into her class still thinking about where she had heard the name Suna Rintarou. „Rintarou!" Y/n heard someone saying. What? Did i hear that right? Y/n looked to a girl who was literally climbing a guy who looked clearly disgusted. „I told you, do not call me that.." he said bored while trying to push the girl off. „But Rinnie!" The girl said while whining. Y/n snorted and the boy who looked like he would wanna die stared at her. Y/n quickly got to her place and waited for the teacher to arrive. The boy followed her and took the seat next to Y/n.

Oh wow, i can feel the girl digging holes into my back with her stares. Y/n thought while looking over to the boy next to her in the corner of her eye. He had brown hair and beautiful eyes that were going to the way of green. She quickly looked away as she heard the teacher enter the classroom. „Hello dear students, today we will learn about.." The teacher started talking and Y/n already started zoning out. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and looked at the boy next to her. He was pushing a little piece of paper to her that only him and Y/n could see. She took the paper and unfolded it. „What's your name?" was it writing. Y/n took a pencil and writed her name down. She handed it to the boy next to her and he took the paper curiously. „You will be making a project with a partner. Your partner will be the person that sits next to you." the teacher said while looking around the class. Y/n looked at the boy next to her and he stared at her. „Suna" he whispered to her.

„Girlllll" a voice said from behind. The class ended and it was time for the clubs. Mai, Y/ns friend hugged Y/n from behind. „Who was that cute guy sitting next to you? You're so lucky, you can do the project with him." Mai sighed. „I need to do the project with him, and i don't think anything of him. I will just do this project properly and will try not to fail this class." Y/n said while packing her things and leaving the classroom with Mai. „Oh come on, admit that he was cute, you were literally staring at him so many times." Mai said while giggling. „Whatever, i will now go to the practice i will text you later, bye." Y/n said while waving to her bestfriend and going to the gym.

Opening the door of the gym a volleyball already flies toward Y/n but she saw it and could catch the ball easily. She was glaring at Atsumu who was clearly the one who spiked the ball. „Uh, sorry, it wasn't planned that he was going that way.." he apologized. „Whatever.." Y/n sighed while giving the volleyball back to Atsumu and greeting the other teammembers. After that she sat down on a bench and started taking notes. The time Y/n went to middle school she actually played volleyball too and was pretty good at it, but she wanted to focus more on her studies. So she just helped the boys volleyballteam so she would still have something to do with volleyball. The coach entered the gym and greeted everyone. „As many of you heard, we will have a new volleyball player"

An: So this is my first story ever. English is not my first language so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I'm sorry if this chaper's short i just found the motivation somewhere to write this and now i just wanna go to sleep 😭

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