Chapter 12

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„Looks clean enough for me. Let's go?" Suna asked Y/n. She nodded and took her backpack. „I'm gonna leave now, go home without me!" Y/n shouted to the twins. They just nodded and gave Y/n the look.

While the two of them walked was there a awkward tension. „Uh, i wanna say sorry about what happened the two times we tried to get to known to eachother. It's just.. i'm having a hard time because my mother always yells at me and then there's my girlfriend."

Y/n just nodded. „The first time we tried to do the project in the library was when my mother yelled at me before, she kicked me out of the house for that day, i knew i was gonna be late but i didn't wanted to be that late. I wanted to apologize right away but then you already said that i'm really late and so on.."

Y/n felt really bad for what she had said. „I'm sorry.." Y/n said quietly. „And then my feelings overtook the control and everything what i have said.. i'm sorry." Suna said while looking at Y/n. These eyes. Y/n could clearly see that he was sorry. „And there's the time when we went to a coffee shop. My girlfriend called me and said i should get my ass to her apartment or she would break up with me. I forgot to text you and i was angry myself. Please, forgive me."

Suna looked at the ground. Y/n embraced him into a hug. „Everything's fine. Let's forget what happened and get to known to eachother real this time." Y/n whispered into the boys ear. Suna was blushing a little bit, but luckily Y/n couldn't see it. „Thanks..." he whispered back.

„Anyway, if i can ask, the twins told me one time that they know you, how do you know them?" Y/n asked as they got into the coffee shop. Suna even held the door open for Y/n. „It was when we were kids. Summer vacation. We met eachother and had alot of fun. They even told me about you. How fun you were and so on. Then we became great friends and were hanging out alot together. Then we got into middle school. I was going into a different school than the two and we didn't had alot of contact. And the rest i think you know some kind of..." Suna said while him and Y/n were taking a seat.

„You said that your mother yells at you, why?" Y/n asked but giving him the if-you-don't-want-to-tell-me-you-don't-need-to look. „My father had died in a car accident when i was fourteen years old. I have a little sister too. We were very sad about it. But my mother was the one who was mostly hurt. After one year she had found alcohol and started to drink. When i'm coming home from school she's mostly drunk and yells at me for mostly no reason. That's why we decided that my little sister will live at my uncle's house. My mother said it was my fault that my sister now lives at my uncle's..." Suna said while looking down at his hands.

„My parents are also working the whole time and i don't know what. And my brother has left us when he was sixteen saying ‚I will go around the world' he still texts us sometimes but that's it. Hey, i have an idea, it may sound crazy, but it's still a solution..."

Suna nodded. „Go ahead." „You could come live with  me. The house is mostly empty. You could have my brothers room. If we would do that, your mother wouldn't yell at you everytime you get home. But if you don't want to and you now think i'm crazy then-" „Would this really be possible?" Suna asked, hope in his eyes. „Yeah sure." Y/n nodded. „I would really  appreciate that..." Suna said. „Then it's clear. I will come help with your things after school so you can move pretty early." Y/n said, giving the boy a bright smile.

The two talked about favourite colors, animes, dog or cat, if you could meet a celebrity who would it be and so on... „It's pretty late, i think we should leave." Y/n said while taking a look on her phone. Suna nodded in agreement. The two left the coffee shop and walked together. There wasn't an awkward tension between the two anymore. It felt like they would know eachother for so long. „I'm gonna walk you home." Suna decided.

„There's no need for that." Y/n smiled at the boy. Suna got a message. He took a look and his face only turned into an awkward one. „Hm?" Y/n asked Suna. „My mother wants me to get home. I guess she's drunk again.." Suna sighed. „Then tell your mother you can't. You... you need to stay in school. You have already told her that weeks before." Y/n said. „Uh, okay.." Suna quickly typed on his phone. „But where am i gonna sleep now?" Suna asked Y/n irritaded. „At my house, duh." Y/n said while dragging the boy with her.

„This is your house? Girl you having some sugar daddy or something?" Suna asked while laughing. „Is that really what you think of me?" Y/n asked, laughing too. The two got into the house and Y/n showed Suna around.

„And here's you room." Y/n said while opening a door. It showed her brothers room, but from now on it was Sunas room. „Whoah, thanks, really." Suna said while looking Y/n deep into her eyes. „You're welcome. And oh! Here's the bathroom." Y/n walked across Sunas room and opened another door, showing the bathroom.

„I even have a bathroom for myself? We lit!" Suna said. Y/n giggled and left Sunas room so he could make it comfortable himself.

An: Ik it's a quick change-up about at first not liking Suna and now he's living with you. But i hope you understand where this should go 😌..

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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