Chapter 10

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Ding- the sound of the doorbell brought Y/n back to reality. She was daydreaming- as always. „Coming!" she shouted while going to the door. She opened the door and saw the twins- with two huge cartons of pizza.

„Ready to get your ass beat?" Atsumu asked while grinning. „Which game?" Y/n said full of energy. „Mario Kart?" Atsumu asked. „Alright, bet. What does the losers do?" Y/n asked. „Paying the others lunch." Atsumu said.

„Imma just watch you playing.." Osamu said while sitting down on the couch and taking out his phone. „You're no fun." Y/n said with a pout. „Yeah!" Atsumu agreed.

„Fuck! No!" Atsumu said while hitting himself with a pillow. „Thank you for the lunch tomorrow, Tsumu." Y/n said while laughing. „Guys, what do you think, which position will Suna play in volleyball?" Osamu said, totally randomly.

„Eh, i don't know. But i think middle blocker." Atsumu shrugged. Y/n stayed silent. She didn't wanted to say anything about it. She didn't even tell the twins what happened between Y/n and Suna. Should she tell it? No, the best is if she keeps it to herself.

„Y/n? Y/n! EARTH TO Y/N!" Atsumu shouted while hitting Y/n light on the head. „What!?" Y/n said. „What do you think? Which position will Suna play?" Atsumu asked. Y/n shrugged. „I don't really know.." Y/n lied.

After another round of Mario Kart, where Osamu played too, the twins and Y/n started eating the pizzas on the kitchen counter while showing eachother tiktoks. „Why the fuck did you guys bring such huge pizzas? Only one carton is already enough!" Y/n said while taking a bite of a slice of pizza. „Don't worry. Mom will be happy she doesn't need to cook" Atsumu said while taking another slice of pizza.

„Y/n, how's it going with Kaito?" Atsumu asked while wiggling his eyebrows. „Ew, no, he's like a brother to me. We're just friends." Y/n said while hitting Atsumu. „You sure?" Atsumu asked once again, gaining a glare.

„Why don't you guys have a girlfriend? I mean, you have so much fangirls." Y/n said while rolling her eyes saying the word fangirls. „They only like us for our looks. And i think they're attention seekers too. If we would date one of our fangirls, they will also just use it as ‚I'm Atsumu Miyas girlfriend.'" Atsumu said while rolling his eyes.

„Wait! Don't you think Y/n and Suna would look really good together?" Atsumu asked his brother. What? Fuck no. Y/n wanted to punch the yellow haired twin, but didn't. She just blushed out of pure embarassment. „I think she agrees herself." Osamu said while grinning at Y/n.

„No! I'm just blushing because you embarass me you stupid piece of shit!" Y/n said while hiding her face in her hands. „But Tsumu, did you notice that Suna glanced over to Y/n every now and then?" Osamu asked his giggling brother.

„Yeah! I think you're totally his type!" Atsumu teased Y/n. „Oh! Look at the time! I think you guys need to go now!" Y/n said while pushing the twins out of her house. After she closed her front door Y/n sat down on the floor. Suna looking at Y/n? Her being Sunas type? Never, he's too ho- wait! What is she talking about..?

Y/n took her phone and at that second Atsumu sent her a message:

It's arranged. We
asked Suna if he
would have time
this weekend.
We will go to our
house and play there
games and whatsoever,
thank me later 😁

Fuck you both

„Argh, Atsumu, what are you doing?" Y/n asked herself while looking at Atsumus text. „Should i text Suna? No, i'm gonna tell him in school that if he's uncomfortable with hanging out with me and the twins he also can just say no. Yes, good plan." Y/n said while standing up.

She started doing the dishes while becoming a text message. „Unknown number? Heh.."

Unknown number:
Hey, missed me?

Who are you?

Unknown number:
You'll know soon
enough :)

„What the fuck" Y/n looked irritaded at her phone and blocked the number afterwards. She jumped on the couch after done doing the dishes. „Let's do an anime marathon." Y/n decided and watched My hero academia.

„Damn Todoroki you're so fine, so fine you blow my mind." Y/n sang while looking at the boy on the TV-screen with the half-half quirk. „But i need to admit, damn bakugo, if you'd be real i already would come and search you." Y/n said while simping over the 2d characters.

Y/n woke up to her alarm the next morning. „It's already morning..?" a sleepy Y/n said while trying to stand up. She took her phone and checked her messages she could possibly get from friends that had no life and could stay awake until really late.

Y/n was still in the living room so she got upstairs to change herself into the school uniform. After changing Y/n made herself a bento box and breakfast. She munched on the last bite of toast while packing her school things together.

She got out of her house to be met by two grumpy twins. „Morning." Y/n sang at the twins and they just nodded. „Sheesh, no need to be so grumpy so early in the morning." Y/n laughed while walking forwards. The twins just followed her while being silent.

„Okay, seriously, tell me, what's up with you guys today?" Y/n asked concerned while turning around to face the twins. „Coach texted us early in the morning saying that one of our fangirls is gonna be our manager." Osamu said while kicking a little rock. „Uff, sucks to be you. But don't worry, i will still come to be at your practice and help you guys out." Y/n said while patting the twins back.

„That's exactly it. The girl said she doesn't want you to be at practice unless you're.." Atsumu started saying. „..our manager." Osamu finished. Y/n stood there in total shock. She was angry that someone wanted to seperate her from her friends. „See you at practice." Y/n said before rushing into the school building. Osamu looked over at Atsumu confused. Atsumu just shrugged and started to go to the gym.

„Gather up everyone!" the coach said. The team made a circle around the coach. „We will have a manager!" the coach said cheering. A girl with black, short hair and brown eyes entered the gym. „Hello everyone. My name is Mukata Yukie." Mukata said while bowing slighty. „But what is with Y/n? Will she still help our team?" the volleyball team asked, obviously not caring much about the new girl.

The coach opened his mouth to say something but then the principal stormed into the gym. „I'm sorry to interrupt. But there's someone who wants to be manager too." he said while taking a step to the side, showing Y/n.

An: I have so fucking many ideas! Every single idea i had is coming together into a very clear picture! I hope you guys have as much fun to read this as much fun i have to write this.

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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