Chapter 27

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„So, tell me a little more about yourself, L/n." Kuroo said as he watched Y/n eat. „Call me Y/n. You gave me food, you're a friend. And well, as you already know, i'm the manager of Inarizaki. We have another one but she's a bitch and doesn't even care much about the team just about flirting."  Y/n said as she swallowed.

Kuroo nodded and showed her to continue. „Well, i'm seventeen years old and i have a older brother. My parents are usually never home like my brother. I've been friends with the Miya twins since middle school. My grades are pretty good and i have great friends. I like to support people where i can and i care about them alot. Yeah..." Y/n said, not knowing what she should tell next.

„Oho! You're one year younger then me actually." Kuroo said. „Really! I'm so sorry for the disrespect!" Y/n said, bowing slightly. Kuroo chuckled. „It's fine. I think it's cool that you don't see me as a guy who's one year older than you and you're really chill with me. Keep the chill behaviour." Kuroo grinned.

Y/n grinned back and nodded. „What position do you play, captain?" Y/n asked. „Middle blocker." Kuroo answered. "Middle blocker? Really? How cool! Can you show me how to block?" Y/n asked exited. Kuroo chuckled. „Sure, when your coach allows you to have free time." he said.

When Y/n played volleyball in middle school she was a middle blocker too. She didn't tell alot people how she played volleyball in middle school, but she planned on telling Kuroo anyways. He looked like a trustworthy guy.

Y/n looked at the time on her phone. „There's still ten minutes until the team will meet here. Would you mind showing me a little around? I mean, you're from here... » Y/n asked. Kuroo nodded and went ahead, Y/n following him.

Suna looked at the two. Oh how he hated seeing Y/n laughing with another guy that wasn't him. It was different by the twins- he knew Y/n didn't see anything in them.

But Kuroo- he could easily steal Y/n away from him. But Y/n wasn't even official his, so why did it bother him? No, she even said herself she had feelings for him. But it still made him unsure...

Suna sighed, looking trough his phone. Aran was next to him, texting someone. „Yo who is this guy with Y/n?" Atsumu suddenly came out of nowhere.

„Him? He's the captain of Nekoma, Kuroo Tetsurou." Osamu said. „And what is he doing with her?" Atsumu asked Suna. Suna shrugged. „They ate together." he said. Atsumu nodded slowly, looking towards the two.

Ten minutes passed and Y/n stood with the whole team in the lobby. Well, almost the whole team. „Y/n, where's Mukata?" the coach asked. Y/n shrugged. „I haven't seen her since like more than fourty minutes." she said.

A few minutes passed as Mukata decided to show up. „Where were you?" Y/n hissed. The whole team was looking at Mukata. „Well, i got the phone number from a pretty hot guy-" „Mukata, i just want to remind you that you're a manager and Y/n can't be the only one doing this job, you need to support this club or we need to kick you out." the coach looked at Mukata sternly.

Kuroo and his team was some meters away so Kuroo heard about what they were talking about. He snickered and thought about what Y/n had told him about this Mukata girl. He wondered who this 'hot guy' was.

Mukata sighed and rolled her eyes. «Yeah, sorry, whatever... » she said. Y/n scoffed and looked at Suna who was already staring at her. Y/n smiled slightly and turned her attention towards the coach again.

«Alright, you may go now and enjoy the day. Remember, tomorrow will be your first match! » the coach said. Everyone went their own way, but Y/n stayed at the lobby hoping that Kuroo would show up next to her.

« What are you doing all alone here? » Kuroo asked. Y/n turned around and saw Kuroo smirking. « I was waiting for you. » Y/n said, chuckling. « Really? I feel loved. » Y/n rolled her eyes and looked around. She saw Suna sitting on the couch, signaling her he wanted to talk to her.

« I need to go now, sorry. See you tomorrow at breakfast. » Y/n said, waving as a goodbye.

« Hey, what's up? » Y/n asked. « I don't really like this Kuroo guy. » Suna said. « Really? Why? He's a nice guy- » « Exactly, that's why. » Suna grumbled.

« Ohh, i see what's going on here, is my little fox jelaous? » Y/n teased. « Quit teasing or i'll show you how i won't be jelaous anymore. » Suna glared at Y/n.

« Why? I think it's nice knowing that i'm important to you- » « I haven't shown it enough? » Suna asked. He took Y/n by her wrist and dragged her on his lap. « I'm sure this is gonna scare this bedheaded rooster away. » Suna whispered into Y/n ear.

Then he started kissing her, deepening it every second. He bit Y/ns lower lip. « Get a room you two! It's fucking disgusting. » Atsumu yelled out of nowhere. Suna broke the kiss and smirked. Y/n just turned her head away from embarassment.

Suna chuckled, pushing Y/n from his lap gently, standing up. « Goodnight, princess. » he said before going towards the elevator.

Y/n sat on the couch for some seconds, trying to process what he had just said. Princess? Sure, she liked the nickname, but, they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, or were they already and Y/n just didn't know?

I mean, it was already the second real kiss that we shared... Y/n thought.

« This boy, first we didn't like eachother and now i fell for him... » Y/n chuckled, going to her room too.

An: I'm terribly sorry i didn't upload anything for days! It's just school and exams and homework and exams-

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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