Chapter 44

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„Rintarou we're gonna be late." Reiko said nervously, walking up and down in the hallway, waiting for her brother.

„Yeah sorry, we can go now." Suna said, grabbing his keys and going out of the door. Reiko followed him and closed the door behind her.

It was friday and Suna needed to go with Reiko to the new teacher.

„So tell me about her." Suna said to his sister. „She's super nice and understanding. You can make jokes with her and she's funny. She's beautiful too!" Reiko exclaimed.

Suna hummed, taking a turn towards the school.

„Come on let's go!" Reiko said, jumping out of the car. Suna chuckled, getting out of the car too.

As Suna entered the school, memories flashed trough his mind. How he laughed with Y/n, Osamu and Atsumu, how they sat at lunch and talked shit about everyone.

No one knowing this would happen to Y/n...

„Rintarou come on!" Reiko said, ready to open the door to her classroom.

„Suna? Is that you?" a female voice said before Reiko opened the door.

Suna turned around and saw Lorei standing behind him.

„Oh hey Lorei." Suna said, nodding as a greeting. „Nice seeing you here, what are you doing here?" she asked, smiling.

„Uh the new teacher of my little sister wants to talk to me because our parents aren't available..." Suna answered, pointing at his sister.

„Oh, you must be Reiko! I heard alot about you." Lorei said, smiling at the girl.

„Ah, you're going to meet my friend i told you about. I hope you don't mind if i come in too, i need to give her some files." Lorei said.

Suna nodded. „Sure."

Reiko opened the door, stepping inside. After her followed Lorei and Suna.

„Sorry we're late, miss!" Reiko said, bowing. „It's fine Reiko, my friend probably held you up." a female voice said, laughing after.

Suna looked up and saw a beautiful woman smiling at him and Lorei.

„Sir, nice to meet you. I'm L/n." she smiled. It... can't be. Suna thought, feeling a knot in his throat.

„I'm sorry, i need to go out quick." he said, turning around and going out of the classroom again.

Reiko questioned his actions but shrugged after.

„Excuse me quick." L/n said, following Suna. She looked around, searching for a brown-haired male.

She jogged towards him as she saw him leaning to a wall with closed eyes.

„It's been a long time, Rin."

Suna pov

Her voice was still the same calming and silent. As i heard her calling me Rin, i felt happy, sad and scared.

Tears started running down my cheeks as i heard her saying my nickname that only she could say to me.

She hugged me, tangling my hair with her fingers. „I'm so sorry i left you." she whispered, her voice breaking.

„I'm so sorry i let you go." i whispered back. „I will never leave you like this ever again." she promised, kissing my lips.

We hugged eachother and cried for several minutes.

„I missed you so much. I went everytime to your favorite place, the lake. All these years i had nightmares." i said, wiping away her tears.

„Please tell me everything." i said, kissing her.

„The guy that kidnapped me was Kaito. He told me i belonged to him and he wouldn't let anyone touch me ever again. He started abusing me, using me as his toy. This was his way to show someone ‚his love'. I cried every night and even got pregnant by him. As he found out i was pregnant he started hitting me and the baby died. I thought everything was lost and i just cried. After several weeks the police showed up in his house and found me. Turns out he had abused other woman too and then killed them. I- i-" her voice broke, not being able to talk anymore.

I hugged her tight and didn't let her go. „I'm so sorry baby. I'll never let you go again. Please, trust me this last time. Even if it's hard because you went trough all of this, please love..." i whispered.

She started crying again, nodding into my shoulder. „Let's continue our life together and live happily." she mumbled under sobs.

„But why didn't you message me?" i asked. „I saw you with that girl on TV and thought you forgot about me. But there was Lorei and had always noticed you going to the lake. My favorite place." she whispered while chuckling.

„Forget about that girl, i'm gonna kick her out. She isn't important to me. It won't be easy but please help me." i promised, looking into her beautiful e/c eyes.

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Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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