Chapter 26

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The volleyball team practiced harder then ever before. Some weeks after the trainings camp would be the nationals. Y/n did her best she could to support the team.

It was hard out of both perspectives as the team finally stood in tokyo. „I will give you your room number. It's mostly four people in one room. Y/n, you're gonna sleep in a room with Mukata." the coach said. „Coach! She could sleep with me and Samu in a room!" Atsumu said.

The coach already gave everyone their room card and turns out that Suna and the twins were in one room. „No, it's because most people would see that sexual and we don't want anything to happen." the coach said.

Y/n looked clearly disgusted because maybe the coach meant it with the twins. In these weeks Y/n and Suna went on many dates as possible but Suna still didn't ask Y/n to be his girlfriend.

The team started walking to the hotel as they saw another team. They had red jerseys saying ‚Nekoma'. „I can't believe that! Look at their hot ass manager! Kuroo, i want a manager too!" a guy with half-bald head said to a bedhead guy.

„Yamamoto! Shut up! You're gonna make her uncomfortable!" the guy said, looking at Y/n. He checked her out before looking into her eyes. „I'm sorry because of his behaviour, he's always like this. I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, the team captain of Nekoma." Kuroo smiled at Y/n.

„I'm L/n Y/n, nice to meet you, captain. And as you see i'm the manager of Inarizaki." Y/n grinned at Kuroo. „Cocky, i see. You will definitely meet my friend group. They'll like you." Kuroo grinned back. „Kuroo, leave that poor girl alone." a blonde short guy appeared next to Kuroo.

„I'm Yaku Morisuke. Nice to meet you." the boy said, flashing a smile to Y/n. Y/n returned the smile and introduced herself. „Well, i need to go now. Was nice to meet you guys!" Y/n said, going back to her team. Suna checked Y/n out to know that these people didn't touch her.

„You guys have an hour to get known here. We're gonna meet here in one hour. Be careful!" the coach said and everyone started going up to their rooms. Y/n opened the door because she had the card to open the door.

The room of Mukata and Y/n was pretty big and comfortable. It even had a balcony. „I'm gonna take the bed near the balcony!" Mukata said, already jumping on the wanted bed. „Alright..." Y/n rolled her eyes and sat down on her bed. She started packing out her necessaire and some fresh clothes for the next day as she decided to go down to the lobby.

„Oya? Look who we have there." A voice said. „You again? I thought i could have a little break of you but guess not..." Y/n sighed dramatically. „I wanted to ask you for your number so i could ask you if i needed anything because you're from here so..." Y/n said.

„Yeah, sure." Y/n handed Kuroo her phone and he typed something in. „Thanks" Y/n said. „Hey hey hey! Kuroo bro!" A loud voice said. „Bokuto bro! How are you my man?" Kuroo said, hugging a guy apparently called Bokuto. „As usual. Oh, hello there." the guy with the white-grey hair noticed Y/n and looked at her.

„I'm Bokuto Kotarou. And you are?" he asked. Y/n gulped. She felt so small and meaningless in front of Bokuto and Kuroo. „Hey guys, stop. You're scaring her." a calmer looking guy said, stepping next to Bokuto.

„I'm sorry because of them. They're just hyped that they see eachother again. My name is Akaashi Keiji." the guy said, nodding at Y/n as a greeting. Y/n nodded back. „I'm L/n Y/n. The manager of Inarizaki." Y/n finally said. „Inarizaki has manager now?" Bokuto asked.

„Well, the manager stands right in front of us." Akaashi said. „I'm just one manager. Inarizaki has two." Y/n smiled. The boys around Y/n nodded. Kuroo looked behind Y/n and started grinning. „Looks like the crows are here." he said. „I think imma go over there. If you guys need anything just ask Kuroo for my number. See you later!" Y/n said, going over to the sofa where Suna sat.

„Hey, Rin." Y/n said. „Hi" he said bored. „What are you doing?" Y/n asked, taking a look over Sunas shoulders. He was scrolling trough Instagram.

„Did you know that the popular bitch and the fuckboy in our school were dating? They broke up because the bitch apparently made out with another guy in the janitors closet." Suna said, turning his face towards Y/n. „Really? I'm suprised that the fuckboy wasn't the one cheating on her." Y/n said.

Suna shook his head. „The guy was head over heels because of her. He promised her he would change but i guess the bitch didn't took that seriously. Well, their problem..." Suna looked Y/n deep into her eyes. She exactly knew what he wanted to tell with this look.

When we are a couple we wouldn't cheat on eachother.

„Hey, lovefoxes." Aran said, jumping on the couch next to Y/n. „Hey Aran." Y/n said, trying to hide her embarassment. Suna turned his attention towards his phone again. „Guess what. Mukata that ugly ass snitch tried to make out with Atsumu." Aran said, rolling his eyes.

„No way!" Y/n said in disbelief. „Yeah! So i was walking out of the hallway seeing Mukata literally climbing Atsumu and the poor guy almost threw up. Anyways Mukata then started dragging Atsumu towards a room but then Atsumu used me to save himself. Now miss pick me is pissed eating a muffin and the twins are eating onigiri with the rest of the team. And i think with some guys from Karasuno and Nekoma too." Aran explained.

„Food? Why didn't you tell me? I'm starving." Y/n stood up to go to the restaurant in the hotel but then Kuroo showed up infront of her, handing her an onigiri. „I thought you would be hungry." Kuroo smirked. „You are amazing. You only know me since fourty minutes but already know what i want. You're gonna be my best friend." Y/n said, taking a bite of her onigiri.

„Can't wait. Let's sit over there, shall we?" Kuroo asked, pointing to a table. Y/n nodded and flashed a smile towards Suna and Aran then followed Kuroo.

„That motherfucker..." Suna mumbled under his breath.

An: I have such a good idea for a book but i need to finish this one first. I'm not sure how many chapters i'm gonna write more. But there aren't gonna be that much! And thank you guys sooo much for more than 300 reads!

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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