Chapter 36

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There will be sexual teasing in this chapter! Read at your own risk. It will start at „•" and will end at the next „•"!

"Hey girl!" Mei said, hugging Y/n from behind. "Hey" Y/n said, continuing on packing her things together.

"So" Mei grinned. "The party is this weekend. And we don't have any homework due tomorrow. So i thought we could go to the mall together." Mei exclaimed, doing a little dance.

"Sure" Y/n sighed, unlocking her phone and texting Suna.

"Let's go?" Y/n asked as she put her phone away, turning towards Mei.

The two were walking around the mall, eating something and looking at different clothing.

But the whole time Y/n had a weird feeling. She felt watched, but she ignored it.

„Look at this one! It's so cute!" Mei said, showing her friend a dress*. (*or whatever you want)

Y/n shook her head. „I don't really like it. But look at this! It would suit you really well!" Y/n said, handing Mei a dress.

„Try it on. I'll be right back. I'll go to the toilet." Y/n said, turning around and going to the toilets.

She hasn't really paid attention so she bumped into someone. „I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying my attention! Are you alright?" Y/n asked the someone she bumped into.

He was taller than her and his face was covered by a mask and sunglasses. „I-it's fine." he mumbled nervously. „Oh no! Your drink! I'll pay you back-" „I said it's fine!" he said, looking around and walking away after.

The voice somehow was familiar...

Y/n just shrugged, going to the toilets. As she finished she went to the shop where she had last saw Mei. Suddenly Y/n became a notification from her phone.

When r u gonna
come back?

Idk, why?

I miss u :(

Go to the twins?

I'd still miss u

Can't really do
anything about
it sorry

I'll never text you
ever again about
missing you. 🫤

Jk i'll come
back in like
2 hours

Holy shit that's
long i could literally
come to the mall
like 5 times

Why don't you??

Too lazy, see you
in two hours <33

Uh alr ig
see you later?

I'm sorry my beautiful
queen pls don't be mad
at me 🥺

I'm not i understand
if you're tired you need
to rest and pls don't
use that emoji anymore

You're right it's really
weird 💀 see you later

See u later Rin

„Who are you texting with?" Mei asked from behind. „Holy fuck you scared the shit out of me." Y/n said, sighing.

„Because i'm such a nice best friend i bought you an outfit. Thank me later now let's go look for some shoes." Mei said, dragging Y/n with her before she could say anything.

„But i think i have enough shoes at home..." Y/n said. „Even if, we don't have the same shoe size so you can't lend me one for the night." Mei rolled her eyes.

„The last time i went shopping shoes with you a dog came into the shop and you fought with the dog over the shoe." Y/n giggled, remembering the funny scenario.

„Wait i think i filmed it-" she said, searching for her phone in her bag.

Before she could search for the video Mei already snatched the phone away, putting it into her own bag.

„You'll get it back when we're on the bus." Mei said. „I'm literally older than you-" „You'll get it back when we're on the bus."

„I'm back!" Y/n said, entering her house. „Princess..." a sleepy Suna came and hugged her.

„I missed you." he mumbled, giving Y/n every once in a while kisses. He then picked her up, going to the couch with her.

He dropped her on the couch, taking a blanket, laying his head on her head and covering the two with the blanket.

„Rin, i just got home." Y/n smiled, playing with Suna's hair. „I know. Now give me attention." Suna mumbled.

Y/n chuckled, continuing on playing with Suna's hair. The two talked about their day and about Terushima's party.

„I heard that Terushima has an interest in you." Suna said. „I know. But i always ignored or some kind of rejected him. Don't worry, if he's gonna flirt with me i'm gonna tell him i have a boyfriend." she said, kissing the top of his head.

Suna didn't want to let go so he snuggled his face into her stomach.

„Rin, let me get up please. I wanna eat something." Y/n said. „You can eat me." he said, smirking.

„If you won't let me stand up i'll shove your ass off of this couch." Y/n glared. „Fine, fine." he said, standing up.

Y/n stood up, going to the kitchen. She didn't realise Suna followed her. As she got all the ingredients for her dinner Suna hugged her from behind.

„Should i cook for you too?" Y/n asked. „If it wouldn't be a problem." he mumbled.

Y/n smiled, starting to cook. „Rin could you let go? I need to get something." Y/n said, turning around in his arms to quickly peck his lips.

He then let go, leaning on the wall.

As Y/n went to grab the thing she needed, she saw that a unknown number was calling Suna.

She picked up the phone, going to the kitchen again.

„Someone's calling you." Y/n said, wanting to hand Suna the phone.

„Could you pick it up and put it on speaker?" he asked, closing his eyes.

Y/n nodded, accepting the call. „Rinnie?" a high-pitched voice said.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, looking at Suna, questioning what to say. He opened his eyes and rolled them.

Y/n grinned, handing him the phone and mouthing ‚Play along'. Suna nodded.

„What?" he asked. „I didn't thought you would pick up." the voice said. „Yeah i don't know, felt like it." he said with his bored voice.

„I wanted to ask if you wanted to like uh, hang out?" the voice said.

Y/n smirked, kissing Suna on the lips. He groaned into the kiss, kissing Y/n deeper.

Suna grabbed Y/n by her butt, picking her up. He then massaged Y/n by her inner thigh, going closer to that area.

Y/n let out a small moan but smirked into the kiss, knowing her plan was working.

Suna broke the kiss, smirking. The both needed to steady their breath before talking again.

„Are you gonna come back to bed?" Y/n asked in a begging tone. Suna chuckled deeply. „Just wait some minutes princess." he said.

Just as he said that the girl on the call hung up. Y/n giggled, pecking Suna's lips.

Suna just held Y/n tightly, starting to go upstairs with her. „Let's continue that a little." he teased.

An: I'm sorry it took longer to update!

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Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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